The following are the core responsibilities of the Practice Manager. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks. This will depend on factors such as workload and staffing levels. a) Oversee the management of the day-to-day operations of the practice, ensuring that staff achieve their primary responsibilities. b) Manage the HR processes, including recruitment, relevant checks, contractual issues, appraisals and staff performance. c) Workforce planning to ensure a good skill mix with staff having the appropriate level of training to enable them to carry out their individual roles and responsibilities effectively. d) Ensure employment law and legislation is adhered to. e) Liaise with the Primary Care Network (PCN) and locality commissioners, attend meetings and promote collaborative working. f) Provide support and advice to the partnership and keep them updated on practice matters. g) Keep up to date with developments and changes within primary care. h) Liaise with the Finance Manager on payroll and pensions, providing information and ensuring accurate reporting and submissions. i) Day to day control of financial elements of the practice according to policies and procedures, including keeping with set budgets, petty cash, purchasing etc. j) Assist on financial control measures with the Finance Manager. k) Ensure the practice explores all opportunities to maximise income and reduce expenditure. l) Ensure Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and commissioned service targets are met. m) Manage the significant event and complaints processes, in line with current legislation and guidance. n) Manage contracts and maintenance for services and equipment. o) Review and update practice policies and procedures. p) Lead and coordinate projects within the practice. q) Oversee the management of the practice IT system, including compliance with the Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT). r) Coordinate the practice development plan and business continuity plan. s) Assist in the preparation of business cases for new services and provide project management, as required. t) Ensure on-going CQC compliance. u) Ensure the practice maintains compliance with its NHSE contractual obligations. v) Provide advice and support to the staff and the partnership to ensure effective team working. w) Manage effective communication, both internal and external and ensure the website and other communication platforms are accurate and up to date. x) Facilitate partners and practice meetings and maintain an up-to-date action plan. y) Support the management of the Patient Participation Group. z) Manage estates and facilities, including health and safety aspects and risk assessments.