Ref: 000663
About the Role:
Apply to become a volunteer Independent Panel Member for School Admissions Appeals Panels
Are you interested in Education in Oldham and have some time to spare and want to get involved?
Do you have excellent listening and questioning skills, have the ability to put people at ease and make balanced, fair and impartial decisions?
Would you like to become involved in an important democratic process?
If you have answered yes to any of the above why not apply to become a volunteer Independent School Admissions Appeals Panel Member.
What is a School Admission Appeals Panel?
It is a panel of usually three or five people independent of Oldham Council or the Governing Bodies (i.e. the admission authorities) for schools, which hears appeals from parents or guardians if their child is refused a place at their preferred school.
What does a School Admission Appeals Panel do?
The appointed panel considers the reasons why the admission authority has refused a child a place at a school as well as the special circumstances of the parent or guardians’ case. They then make a decision on the issues in line with the regulations, codes other guidance and law that affects admissions and admission appeals in England. The decision of the panel is binding on all parties, including the admission authority.
Who is on the panel?
A panel in Oldham is made up of you and two or four other people, a chair and at least two others. One panel member must have some experience of education (e.g. a parent of a child at school, a teacher or somebody with experience of education) a second member must by a "lay" member (e.g. those without experience in education in a professional capacity [not including as a school governor or in another voluntary capacity]. All panel members must be independent of the admissions authority, the parties appealing and the preferred school. The panel is fully supported by a trained Clerk who is there to undertake administrative duties and advise on legal and procedural issues but is not part of any decision made by the panel.
Where do the appeals hearings take place?
The majority of appeals in Oldham are currently being held online via Microsoft teams but in person and hybrid hearings may be needed at some time and these will be held in Oldham Civic Centre in or Spindles Council Offices in Oldham Town Centre.
Do panel members receive training?
Yes training for panel members is arranged by our legal department before sitting on a panel and this is refreshed every 12 months. Panel members also shadow experienced panel members before they sit on panels and make decisions.
Are expenses paid?
This is a volunteer role but lunch and car parking will be provided for any face-to-face appeal dates you sit on, and any travel costs you incur will be reimbursed. For remote hearings you will be provided with a payment of £10 per each half day session towards utility costs.
Please read the role profile and if you need any further information, please phone the school appeals team on 0161 770 4213 or email at
Please send completed applications to