Job summary
This is an exciting opportunity foran experienced and enthusiastic Practice Nurse wanting to join our growing GPPractice and work with our friendly and supportive team as our Lead PracticeNurse.
This position has become availabledue to our Lead Practice Nurse sadly announcing her retirement. We are lookingfor an experienced and enthusiastic lead nurse to support and manage adedicated nursing team of Nurses and HCAs across both our surgeries. The leadnurse will ensure high quality patient care is provided and drive clinicalexcellence. You will develop staff potential and motivate your team thoughmentoring, appraisals and learning events. You will contribute to qualityimprovement initiatives. This is an excellent opportunity for an experiencedlead nurse or those seeking career progression.
Main duties of the job
The post holder is responsible forensuring the delivery of safe and effective Nursing Care. As the overseeingmanager for the Practice Nursing Team the role will provide clinical direction,leadership, mentoring and will aid these professionals in developing theircareers and knowledge. The role will include oversight of clinical policies andprocedures, infection control and day to day delivery of clinical care. This isa brilliant opportunity for either a Nurse Lead looking to develop and grow orfor an experienced Practice Nurse looking to take the next step in their careerwithin an ambitious and innovative practice.
About us
The Practice operates across twosites and has a growing patient list of over 15,000 with 4 Partners and 3salaried GPs
The GPs are also supported by 1 ANP, 1Practice Nurses, 1 Physician Associate, 1 Paramedic, 2 HCAs, 2 ClinicalPharmacists, Mental Health Nurse and a First Contact Physio.
The Practice achieved a Good ratingin all 5 service questions in our most recent CQC inspection (September 2017).
We are a training practice andusually host at least two trainees
We offer a number of enhancedservices.
Both surgeries benefits from amplefree parking which is available to all staff and patients.
The Practice is an active member ofGravesend Central PCN and work closely with member practices and our local GPFederation.
Pelham Medical Practice are workingtowards relocating to a new purpose built surgery in Gravesend. The relocationwe hope will happen in the next 2 to 3 years and will allow us to look to serviceover 20,000 patients in 22 clinical rooms with modern meeting and trainingfacilities that will allow us as a practice to further develop and grow bothour clinical and non-clinical teams.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job responsibilities
You will be required to:
Support the development, mentoringand professional development of others to maximise staff potential in the team.
Identify the potential for servicedevelopments, risk and deficits and inform practice manager makingrecommendations based on specialist knowledge
Undertake one-to-ones, appraisals,regular Practice Nurse and HCA meetings, clinical education, and otherpractice-wide learning events and meetings.
To provide routine nursing care topatients as required in accordance with clinical based evidence, NICE and theNSF
As the Clinical lead, you will haveoverall line management responsibility for the Practice Nursing Team
Play a key role in our clinicalgovernance and overall practice management team.
Act as a clinical leader in thedelivery of practice nursing services to patients, ensuring that the needs ofthe patient are the priority.
Attend regular practice meetings.
Lead the nursing team in the planningand implementation of local guidelines, protocols, and standards, as well aslocal projects or initiatives.
Ensure health and safety andinfection control are high priorities, supported by other members of the team.
Work with our Practice Managementteam to ensure we monitor practice performance of QOF and LCS regularly toachieve high standards of patient care.
Take responsibility for owndevelopment, learning, and performance, including organising clinicalsupervision where appropriate and acting as a positive role model.
Work to support staff wellbeing anddevelopment.
Quality improvement
Work with colleagues and managementteam to ensure that we focus our clinical time to maximum benefit of patientsand that our systems and processes support staff to focus on what matters most.
To administer medication for patientsin accordance with PGDs and own scope of practice
To provide guidance to patients inthe use of prescribed and over-the-counter medications regarding side effectsand dosages
To oversee the provision of woundcare services to patients
To co-ordinate the provision oftravel medicine services
To request pathology services asnecessary
To process pathology results asrequired
To maintain accurate clinical recordsin conjunction with existing legislation
To ensure read codes are usedeffectively by all members of the nursing team.
To chaperone patients where necessary
To prioritise health issues andintervene appropriately.
To support the team in dealing withclinical emergencies
To implement vaccination programmesfor adults and children and ensuring our care homes and house bound patientsare vaccinated in a safe and timely manner
To liaise with externalservices/agencies to ensure the patient is supported appropriately (vulnerablepatients etc.)
To delegate clinical responsibilitiesappropriately (ensuring safe practice and the task is within the scope ofpractice of the individual)
To support the clinical team with allsafeguarding matters in accordance with local and national policies
To understand practice and localpolicies for substance abuse and addictive behaviour, referring patientsappropriately
To deliver opportunistic healthpromotion where appropriate.
To be responsible for ensuringmaximum optimisation of use of appointments across the nursing team.
Develop and review audit protocolsand process for the practice, effectively utilising the audit cycle and tooversee those within the team.
Person Specification
1. NMC registration
2. Minimum of Degree level education or equivalent
3. A minimum of 5+ years Post Qualification Experience
4. NMC Mentor in Practice
5. Practice Educator
6. Experience of working in a primary care environment
7. Experience of working as a practice nurse
8. Experience of working autonomously
9. Experience of infection prevention and control measures
10. Mentoring or teaching qualification or keen to work towards
11. Wound care/removal of sutures and staples
12. ECGs
13. New patient medicals
14. Chaperone procedure
15. Travel medicine
16. Immunisations (routine, childhood and travel)
17. Womens health (cervical cytology, contraception, etc.)
18. Ability to record accurate clinical notes
19. Ability to work within own scope of practice and understand when to refer to GPs
20. Understanding of infection prevention and control measures
21. Knowledge of health promotion strategies
22. Chronic Disease Diplomas
23. Understand the importance of evidence-based practice
24. Broad knowledge of clinical governance
25. Venepuncture
26. Requesting pathology tests and processing the results, advising patients accordingly