For further information on this role, please see the attached detailed Job Description and Person Specification:- To perform clinical MRI scans to produce diagnostic information appropriately as required by current protocols. To maintain the highest standard of practical and theoretical knowledge to ensure a standard of excellence in MRI techniques, so that protocols may be modified in an appropriate manner in view of clinical indications, imaging findings or patient condition and problems in image quality are recognized and acted upon. To be aware of COSHH and Health and Safety at Work Act and ensure their guidelines are followed. To be fully aware of the potential hazards of working in an area of strong magnetic field and to be familiar with the safety guidelines issued by the Medical Devices Agency 2002. To be fully aware of the potential bio-effects of MRI and to ensure that the scanner is operated within safe limits at all times. To act at all times with consideration for the safety and welfare of patients. To ensure that adequate protection is given to self, patients and other staff as laid out in the Local Rules for protection of persons in MRI and the Ionising Radiation Regulations. To be familiar with and implement safety procedures (quench, fire, cardiac arrest) which are specific to the MR environment. To ensure that all persons entering the scanner examination room have completed an MRI safety checklist and have removed all personal belongings, which might either be hazardous in the area of strong magnetic field or might be damaged by it. To ensure that, once removed, patients valuables are safely locked away. To be physically able to move moderately heavy items of equipment (e.g. surface coils) throughout the working day.