1. Accountability 1.1. When working as part of the Hospice at Home Team responsibilities will be carried out under the guidance of the patients Clinical Nurse Specialist. 2. Clinical 2.1. To assess the patients physiological, psycho-social, spiritual and cultural needs of patients requiring a higher level of specialist palliative care and their families/carers. Plan for and evaluate intervention of care at initial and subsequent visits. 2.2. To liaise with other Primary Health Care professionals working in the Community with patient / family to promote the Hospices high standards of palliative care for patients in the community. 2.3. To develop relationships with patients / families and carers to facilitate provision of specialised symptom control and support. 2.4. To support, counsel and keep informed on care delivery all relevant carers and relatives in accordance with patients wishes. 2.5. To attend regular multi-disciplinary team meetings to present and discuss all visits to patients highlighting current issues and interventions. 2.6. To work alongside the Community Clinical Nurse Specialists and other members of the multi-disciplinary team visiting patients who require a higher level of specialist palliative care. 2.7. To advise on and facilitate bereavement support for bereaved relatives. 2.8. To develop an autonomous approach within professional practice. 2.9. To develop an understanding of available resources in the community, which will facilitate and support the provision of care to the patient requiring specialist palliative care. 2.10. To record all activity data on computer and submit other management information as required. 2.11. To develop time management skills and the ability to prioritise nursing care. 2.12. To communicate effectively with members of the multi-disciplinary team. 2.13. If a CNS is not a nurse prescriber then they should ensure (as should a nurse prescriber) that any advice they provide relating to medication is within their scope of practice and limits of competence. 3. Educational 3.1. To continue personal professional development, to ensure clinical effectiveness of self and to have a positive commitment to both providing and receiving clinical supervision. 3.2. To participate in the development and delivery of formal educational programmes for professional in the Princess Alice Hospice, the community and educational establishments. 3.3. To identify the specific training and educational needs of patients and carers and facilitate meeting these needs. 3.4. To participate in educational programmes offered to staff and specifically attends teaching identified to meet Staff Nurse/Practitioner development aims and objectives. 4. Audit and research 4.1. To develop mechanisms for auditing care and in conjunction with senior medical and nursing staff, participate in the development of multi-disciplinary audit. 4.2. To participate in and support nursing and collaborative clinical research in palliative care. 4.3. To critique current research into best practice.