Cardiff Safeguarding and Children looked after teams are now based in 3 localities across the city at St Mellons in the East, Fairwater in the North and Cardiff Bay in the South enabling staff to be based within the communities that they serve. Within the team's geographical area you will support children and young people through robust assessment, outcome focused planning and effective intervention to support them in achieving positive outcomes within their families and communities. Working within a restorative practice approach, you will work in partnership with families and multi-agency colleagues in intervening to address both the presenting concerns and underlying difficulties. This is an exciting opportunity to join the service which puts the individual at the heart of our work. The teams work from a strengths-based (Signs of Safety) approach to meet the needs of young people and their families. As the Principal Social Worker you will have the opportunity to develop the practice of others within the team through joint working and supervision whilst also leading by example as case-holder for those children with more complex needs who require the expertise of an experienced and skilled practitioner. Mae timau Diogelu a Phlant Caerdydd bellach wedi'u lleoli mewn 3 ardal ar draws y ddinas, yn Llaneirwg yn y Dwyrain, y Tyllgoed yn y Gogledd a Bae Caerdydd yn y De gan alluogi staff i fod wedi'u lleoli yn y cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu. O fewn ardal ddaearyddol y tîm, byddwch yn cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc trwy gynnal asesiadau cadarn, cynllunio sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddeilliannau ac ymyriadau effeithiol i'w cefnogi wrth gyflawni deilliannau cadarnhaol o fewn eu teuluoedd a'u cymunedau. Gan weithio o fewn dull ymarfer adferol, byddwch yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â theuluoedd a chydweithwyr amlasiantaethol wrth ymyrryd i fynd i'r afael â'r pryderon sy'n codi a’r anawsterau sy’n sail iddynt. Dyma gyfle cyffrous i ymuno â gwasanaeth sy’n rhoi’r unigolyn wrth wraidd ein gwaith. Mae’r tîm yn gweithio yn ôl dull sy’n seiliedig ar gryfderau (Arwyddion Diogelwch) er mwyn bodloni anghenion pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd. Fel y Prif Weithiwr Cymdeithasol cewch gyfle i ddatblygu arferion eraill o fewn y tîm drwy gydweithio a goruchwylio tra hefyd yn arwain drwy esiampl fel deiliad achos ar gyfer y plant hynny ag anghenion mwy cymhleth sydd angen arbenigedd ymarferydd profiadol a medrus.