A new and exciting opportunity to become Pathfinder IDVA. This service is funded by West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner, to provide Domestic Abuse (DA) support services within the Birmingham Family Court in relation to private law proceedings. The aim of the Pathfinder programme is to provide better support to children and families involved in private law proceedings, with enhanced support to victims/survivors of DA.
The IDVA service will offer support to DA Victims involved in Family Court Proceedings. This will involve emotional support, safety planning, assistance with legal proceedings and access to other support services, tailored to the individual needs of victims. Additionally, IDVAs will collaborate with and advise other agencies involved in the Pathfinder to ensure a coordinated response to better protect victims of DA.
The Pathfinder IDVA Service must be available to all male victims of DA involved in Family Court private law proceedings.
The post holder will provide targeted outreach and raise awareness of male violence and abuse for male victims going through Family court, they will support the victim through the process and ensure that the child's experience is paramount throughout.
This role requires an individual with compassion, empathy and excellent interpersonal skills.
All victims should get the help and support they need.
Job Title: Male Specialist Abuse Advocate Pathfinder Court Position available: 1 ...