Post Title: Teacher of Food and Textiles
Scale: MPS/UPS
Disclosure Level: Child Workforce - Enhanced, Childs Barred list
• Raise standards of student attainment and achievement within the whole curriculum area and to monitor and support student progress.
• Be accountable for student progress and development within the classes taught.
• Develop and enhance the teaching skills and strategies in line with the teacher standards.
• Support and challenge student groups in their learning.
• Help build independent life-long learners.
Main Duties
• Undertake an appropriate programme of teaching in accordance with the duties expected within the teacher standards.
• Plan lessons to meet learning objectives.
• Make effective use of data to plan learning.
• Have a clear understanding of subject progression.
• Give appropriate feedback through a variety of sources to promote further learning.
• Carefully frame questions to ascertain understanding and promote further learning.
• Use peer and self-assessment to further enhance learning.
• Set clear curricular targets for each student/group.
• Teachers are expected to support the personalised learning agenda, i.e. tailor education to ensure that every student achieves and reaches the highest standards possible.
• Ensure that the desired standard of students’ presentation, effort and learning are achieved.
• Take part in developing the department’s curriculum area with respect of any specific need
• associated with teaching and learning.
• Participate in and contribute to professional development and appropriate in-service training.
Pastoral Provision
• Monitor student attendance together with students’ progress and performance in relation to targets set for each individual, ensuring that follow-up procedures are adhered to and that appropriate action is taken where necessary.
• Ensure the behaviour management systems are implemented in your teaching so that effective learning can take place.
• Act as a Form Tutor and to carry out the duties associated with that role as outlined in the tutor standards.
• Communications
• Ensure that you are familiar with the Academy’s aims and objectives.
• Ensure effective communication/consultation as appropriate with the parents of students.
• To liaise with partner academies, higher education, Industry, Examination Boards, Awarding Bodies and other relevant external bodies as and when necessary to further enhance the learning of students.