1. Be responsible for the delivery and maintaining of the Estates CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) and PPM (Planned Preventative Maintenance) system. This includes: a. Ensuring the systems are updated as required as per digital requirements. Liaising with digital suppliers and the Trust digital team. b. Ensuring the necessary data is uploaded into these the system e.g. uploading documentation in relation to PPM completion etc c. Be the main point of contact for CAFM and PPM system issues for E&F staff and non-E&F staff. This will involve communicating with a diverse workforce where there maybe barriers to understanding e.g. difficulty in understanding digital / technical terminology or English not first language. d. Liaising with digital support services (internal and external) and ensuring timely resolution. Will escalate complete system failures or untimely resolutions to line management as required. e. Working with the procurement and contracts manager on licence update and procurement of additional licences or system upgrades. 2. Ensure the CAFM and PPM systems have suitable case workflows and reporting efficiency. This will involve: a. Reviewing and analysis complex or large data from these respective systems. b. Communicating this data to all levels (practical and technical) within the Division and wider Trust; including internal and external auditors or regulators e.g. CQC. c. Provision of routine and ad hoc on the performance of Estates Services including Delivery Performance & Effectiveness, Safety, People, and Quality. 3. Ensure that the systems and associated licenses remain in budget. 4. Lead on the production and running of dashboards for the CAFM and PPM system. This will include: a. Working in collaboration with the Head of Estates and Estates Supervisors to support schedules of work linked to the estates plan. b. Working in partnership with estates colleagues to rectify issues with work schedules. Escalating appropriately to Estates Management where required. 5. Work in collaboration with all estates team for the purpose of updating the system in line with site changes. This will include: a. Ensuring asset changes are completed on the respective systems within a timely fashion. b. Ensuring to site occupancy and utilisation is up to date. c. Ensuring changes to the organisational hierarchy which may impact on space ownership is up to date. d. Liaising regularly with the Capital and Estates teams to ensure that changes to infrastructure is fully understood and updated. 6. Work in partnership with the CAD lead, ensuring that the Trust record layouts are updated on a regular basis, work together on the production of detailed graphical reports in relation to occupancy or for the purpose of individual projects. 7. Support the Procurement & Contracts Manager in the development of business cases. 8. Communicate and work in partnership with the Head of Estates and Estates supervisor regarding independent inspections relating to the CAFM and PPM systems.