To ensure that all medicines and appliances dispensed are checked against the prescription and whenever there is doubt about the appropriateness of the item, or about the dose or labelling instructions to check with the authorising doctor or duty doctor. Ensure all GPs, including the Locums, are prescribing items following the practices prescribing formulary. To collect all due prescription charges and ensure that the patient declaration on the reverse of the FP10 is duly filled in and signed by the patient. Dispense private prescriptions, calculate the cost to the patient, ensure records of private prescriptions and charges are kept appropriately, and issue receipts to the patient to show VAT charges. To ensure that all monies received or handled on behalf of the practice are appropriately stored and banked, and a record kept of all financial transactions. To endorse all prescription forms as appropriate, collate and forward the forms in a secure manner to the NHS Prescription Services for processing and reimbursement. The forms should be bundled in accordance with current PS guidelines and include any necessary accompanying paperwork such as the FP34D and invoices as required by the PS. To promptly forward all invoices and dispensary related correspondence to the dispensary manager or the dispensary supervisor according to practice policy. To notify the authorising doctor of any FP10 returns/feedback from the PS so that any appropriate remedial action may be taken. To operate efficient stock control appropriate to the needs of the practice, with the objective of ensuring continuity of supply for patients and minimising wastage through out-of-date stock. To ensure that drugs are stored in an appropriate manner in accordance with the accompanying instructions. To ensure that shelves and all work surfaces are regularly cleaned to maintain a high level of hygiene within the dispensary and that all dispensary equipment is kept clean and is in good working order. To take prompt action in response to any drug alert bulletins that may be received from time to time. To ensure that refrigerated items are stored at the appropriate temperature and to maintain a temperature control record/logbook. To maintain full and accurate records of all dispensing transactions, incorporating the use of computers when appropriate.