Duties and Responsibilities 1. To co-ordinate relevant meetings of the NWL APC, Trust Board and its Committees efficiently and effectively, ensuring that they have up-to-date terms of reference and forward business plans and that minutes are accurately recorded and actions followed up. 2. To work with the NWL APC Chair in Common the Trust Board Vice-Chair, Chairs of Committees and Lead Executives in planning meetings, drafting agendas and ensuring a high level of quality assurance with regard to Board and Committee minutes, briefing papers and reports. 3. To maintain a forward plan of prospective meetings and the related annual business cycle for the Board and its Committees and the Council of Governors, aligned with key performance milestones thereby enabling effective decision-making. 4. To ensure that all meetings of the Trust Board and its Committees are organised in accordance with governance best practice, accountability, openness and probity. 5. To provide a full secretariat service in support of the Council of Governors and its Committees, drafting agenda and papers and ensuring that membership elections are organised efficiently and effectively. To support the Trust Secretary, Vice-Chair and Chief Executive in maintaining compliance with all relevant standards of corporate governance, with particular emphasis on the CQC Well-Led Domain in this regard. 7. To maintain a strategic overview of the Trusts business, in order to manage a timely flow of all information (including briefing to the CEO, the Deputy CEO and the Executive team), prioritising papers as necessary, identifying key actions in relation to the Board and its Committees. 8. To lead on the annual review of the effectiveness of the Board and its Committees, making recommendations in respect of areas for improvement which can inform the Annual Governance Statement. 9. To be proactive in maintaining governance web pages ensuring that all information in respect of the Board of Directors and the Council of Governors (including Public Board and Council papers) and related statutory documentation is accessible, accurate and up-to-date. Administration support to the Vice-Chair of the Trust.