Alongside this post, the service has 2 practitioner posts (Specialist Mental Health Practitioner and a Senior Assistant Psychologist), supported by the Clinical Lead. The team are based within the Magistrates Court (primarily) and Westminster House (team base for the Liaison and Diversion Services of which this service sits within). Referral - Help to make decisions on suitability of new referrals, adhering to the service referral protocols, signpost/refer unsuitable service users on to the relevant service or back to the referral agent as necessary. Active engagement To work with a small number of people with mild to moderate common mental health problems in the self-management of their recovery through delivery of formulation driven care plans, the provision of psychological therapy and the evaluation of interventions, under supervision. Service evaluation Support data collection and analysis, for both clinical and service evaluation, as required. This will include collecting and reviewing a variety of data such as psychometric scores, interview data, historical information, literature searches. It may also involve data analysis and report writing under supervision. This role will cover a number of services across the Community Forensic Services. Appointed applicants will have access to robust clinical and managerial supervision and career development opportunities. The service is committed to ensuring the staff in the team are well equipped to work with the complex service users accessing the service and so training is well supported and there is a range of access to robust supervision.