Sessions Hours Hospital / Location Type of work Monday AM 19-1 UHWFront Door Code StrokeSenior Decision MakerPM 11-5 UHWFront Door Code StrokeSenior Decision Maker Tuesday AM 19-1UHW TIA clinicPatient related adminPM 11-5UHW TIA clinicPatient related admin WednesdayAM 19-1UHW Front Door Code StrokeSenior Decision MakerPM 11-5UHWSPA session / All WalesStroke Medicineneuroradiology MDTmeeting attendance Thursday AM 19-1UHW TIA clinicPatient related adminPM 11-5UHW SPA session Friday AM 19-1UHW Front Door Code StrokeSenior Decision MakerPM 11-5UHW Front Door Code StrokeSenior Decision Maker WeekendSaturday and Sunday ward rounds on the stroke unit will be an optional elementof this role in a shared rota covering up to 8 weekend ward rounds per year.These may be worked as part of a 7-day cover model with time off in lieuarranged around weekend shifts.On-callOn call duties will be an optional element of this role, covering up to 28 days peryear. Initially this would be in 4 one-week blocks but it is likely this will bemodified as the service evolves and membership to the rota increases.The baseline on call cover is non-resident, predominantly for thrombolysis andthrombectomy treatment decisions, by telephone advice and remote review ofscans.