To respond to email, telephone and written enquiries using a high level of initiative and responding in a confidential and sensitive way taking appropriate action. Open, record, date stamp and effectively manage and distribute all incoming and outgoing post in order to ensure effective communications for the department. Support the team with procurement by using an online based system to procure goods and services and manage teams petty cash. Support with the planning and arranging of service wide team meetings, away days and training events. Organise and facilitate meetings / training events etc through the creation and distribution of agendas and papers, arranging dates, venues, and refreshments if required, including minute-taking. Effective use of the Trusts Patient Information System (RIO), with robust updating and recording of accurate data. Good understanding of RiO pathways and admin responsibilities, ensuring effective/timely delegation of tasks. Adhere to all Trust policies, paying particular regard to the Information Governance and Data Protection Policies. Pro-actively manages completion of statutory & mandatory training and appraisals to ensure 100% compliance. Act in ways that; support equality and value diversity. Treat everyone with whom you come into contact, with dignity and respect, and recognise and report behaviour that undermines equality and diversity.