JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Practice Manager
Based at: West End Clinic, Rossington
Job Summary
To manage and coordinate all aspects of the practice's day-to-day business, motivating and managing staff, optimizing efficiency and financial performance, and ensuring the practice achieves its long-term strategies.
Accountable to the Partner.
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Practice Development, Contract Management and Legal Requirements:
Support the partners with strategic planning, project planning, and financial reports.
Identify efficiencies and new business opportunities.
Ensure all contracts and service agreements are prepared and signed as agreed by the partners.
Monitor the implementation of all contracts and service agreements.
Management responsibility for the requirements of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), including accurate recording on the CQC register and an accurate Statement of Purpose.
Compliance with CQC requirements.
Complaints Manager for all complaints and investigations.
2. Management of Human Resources:
Ensure that the practice is staffed and resourced within the budget by people with appropriate skills, experience, and commitment.
Ensure HR and training policies are up to date.
Develop the communications structure in the Practice.
Ensure effective recruitment, selection, and induction of new staff.
Provide clear and up-to-date contracts of employment, employment policies, and procedures.
Manage performance and ensure appropriate supervision of staff.
Ensure optimum staffing levels at all times and manage holiday and sickness absences.
Develop teamwork, ensuring well-run regular staff meetings and organizing away-days and social functions.
Continue to run the existing effective staff appraisal scheme.
Ensure the personal development and training of all staff.
Review patterns and methods of work and skills-mix for efficient functioning.
Deal with grievances and disciplinary matters.
Maintain proper personnel and attendance records.
Review pay and conditions of staff and advise the Partner accordingly.
Ensure all statutory requirements are fulfilled and adopt changes as necessary.
Ensure confidentiality is maintained and encourage professionalism.
3. Management of Financial Resources:
Responsible to the Partner for the effective use of practice finances.
Work closely with the practice accountant to plan effective budgetary control.
Ensure efficient working methods and best use of resources.
Provide budgetary and cash flow forecasting to the partners.
Ensure policies and procedures to protect the practice against fraud and financial mismanagement.
4. Management of Information Technology Systems:
Ensure effective management of information within the practice and with outside agencies.
Ensure the functioning and best use of the practice's clinical computer system.
Ensure appropriate computer searches, audits, and reports are carried out.
5. Management of Partnership Issues:
Provide support to the partners and the partnership.
Ensure effective meetings with clear agendas, minutes, and action plans.
Assist in the recruitment of new staff.
6. Management of Operational Systems:
Ensure effective and efficient working systems within the practice.
Review and ensure that all operational systems function at an optimum level.
7. Management of Premises, Equipment and Stock:
Advise the practice in making full and effective use of its current premises, equipment, and stock.
Ensure maintenance, decorating, and cleaning of premises are effectively carried out.
8. Patient Services:
Develop services which best serve the needs of the practice's patient population.
Manage the Patient Participation Group.
Ensure health promotion campaigns targeted to relevant groups.
9. Personal Development:
Manage own time effectively, plan and meet personal and practice targets.
Ensure own personal development through reflection and feedback.
10. Other Appropriate Duties:
Any other duties that may arise appropriate to the manager of a general practice.