The antenatal inpatient ward is a busy area, with a high turnover requiring autonomous practice and effective team working. It requires strong decision making skills and appropriate and timely escalation when necessary to ensure safe care provision. Duties to include, but not be limited to: Working collaboratively with the midwifery and obstetric teams to ensure a seamless and robust complex antenatal care pathway. Day to day management of the antenatal wards ensuring high standards of safe care and a positive experience for women and their families. Working with the wider MDT to continue to improve Induction of Labour pathways and ensure that delays are effectively managed and monitored. Liaison and communication with the wider multi-disciplinary team including the escalation of women with a changing clinical need. Management of staff rosters, appraisal and training as well as staff development and support. Lead by example. Uphold the Trust values at all times. Support senior management with the implementation of local and national drivers including the Ockenden recommendations. Management of budgets and the environment in line with the STAR framework Develop and implement relevant guidelines to ensure that pathways of care are in place and are evidence based. Audit compliance to local standards, national safety standards and agree actions for improvement as required.