To promote and maintain a high standard of Assistive Technology to Older and Vulnerable residents within South Tyneside. Providing a 24hour 365 day service which meets and exceeds the TSA Standards. To use the model of behaviour we want to see in others and lead by example. To ensure Services offered and delivered maximise peoples’ independence.
Main duties & responsibilities:
CALL HANDLING · To receive and answer calls / alerts from Assistive Technology users, contractors, locally based staff, managers and other internal and external bodies, prioritising responses where necessary. · To assess and identify the nature and reason for the call, fostering a rapport and acting to reassure the caller, appreciating that there maybe a degree of impairment or communication difficulties. · To initiate appropriate action e.g. contacting emergency or medical services, key-holder or maintenance services in accordance with guidelines on confidentiality and security, ensuring situations are resolved satisfactorily. · To ensure all physical responses requested are completed within 45 minutes. · To write succinct objective call reports and take the correct reporting action for that customer and call type. · To take responsibility for addressing all faults and failures, liaising with contractors to limit service disruption to customers, instigating business continuity actions when necessary.
SHIFT RESPONSIBILITIES · To produce shift reports outlining individu...