JOB SUMMARY The director of services will be a senior operational leader in the Trust and be expected to role model compassionate leadership and displaying the trust values. The post holder will ensure shared organisational vision and strategic aim, working with partners across the system to provide integrated care. Working as part of the senior leadership team the director of services will contribute to the leadership and management of the whole operational care group and play a key leadership role across the operational management group. The director of services will be responsible for the strategic management and operational leadership of one or more care group(s). This will include establishing and maintaining a comprehensive system to support the strategic direction and ensure the day-to-day delivery of person centred, safe, compliant, inclusive, effective and efficient clinical services within agreed resources. The Director will work alongside the clinicians and partners to ensure services are clinically led with good operational delivery to meet the service users needs. The director of services will ensure the effective use of resources, (financial, human and estate) and the management and development of the workforce including clinical staff and promoting a culture of inclusion and engagement which focuses on the needs of service users, carers and staff. The post holder will work closely with the chief operating officer and the senior leadership team on the development and implementation of robust service strategies and plans that ensure a balance between Trust-wide approaches and those that require a strong Place or partnership collaborative focus. The director of services will work with colleagues and wider partners to ensure that service developments, specifications and contracts meet the identified needs of the local community and take actions to address inequalities. The director will work across places and within neighbourhoods to focus on population health care needs. The postholder will be required to take responsibility and/lead on a number of key Trust or partnership wide issues and projects. The postholder will deputise for the chief operating officer when required and participate in the Trust wide director on call rota. Lead the development of the care group annual plans to deliver Trust and national targets, liaising where necessary with external stakeholders. Ensure that proposals put forward in the internal and external business planning cycle(s) are consistent with the Trusts short to medium-term operational objectives and priorities. All proposals will be required to demonstrate the best use of resources and that implementation will be consistent with the national development of services. With the with clinical lead and nurse leads on improving all aspects of outcomes, safety and experience for service users. KEY RESULT AREAS: Service delivery and development 1. Accountable for the effective and strong strategic and operational leadership for a designated care group(s), delegating duties appropriately. 2. Overall management responsibility for the designated care group(s) across a range of disciplines and professions, including medical, psychology, allied health professionals, social work, nursing and administration. 3. Work with the executive directors as appropriate in relation to negotiating business development and planning. 4. Ensure the effective delivery of clinical practice and achievement of key performance indicators that assure effective delivery, for example risk assessments, care planning and access to services. 5. Communicate information which may be sensitive or contentious regarding service issues to a wide range of stakeholders, including service users, staff, partners, external stakeholders, media. 6. Ensure effective and inclusive engagement of service users, carers and advocates within the care group(s). 7. Develop a culture of openness which encourages innovation, creativity, and ownership of services to benefit patients and families 8. Ensure effective risk management within the care group(s), manage the risk register and escalate risks appropriately through the governance and assurance framework. 9. Ensure that the care group(s) contribute to the maintenance of effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents and that learning is embedded into practice. 10. Appropriately escalate and advise the chief operating officer on issues relating to service delivery and propose solutions. 11. Take responsibility for the implementation of service developments and policies within the designated care group(s). 12. Ensure service and organisational priorities are reflected at each level of service. 13. Work with colleagues across the organisation to ensure that service estate and premises meet the needs of the people who use them, are appropriately managed and fit for purpose. 14. Ensure that systems and processes are in place to plan and review the achievement of operational requirements. 15. Ensure the accurate collection and input of data to support information, performance and assurance systems. 16. Actively promote innovation and support change in line with the Trust all of us improve approach. Policy and strategy 1. Interpret national and local policy and guidance to ensure relevant and appropriate implementation. 2. Develop operational service plans in response to local and national policy and learning for the designated care group. 3. Develop service plans and objectives across the care group(s) ensuring that these contribute to the wider Place or collaborative objectives and are in line with the Trusts strategic priorities Governance Ensure that there are robust integrated clinical and corporate governance arrangements which provides positive assurance and supports organisational learning in the delivery of safe effective services. Provide leadership towards the delivery and maintenance of regulatory and quality standards. Ensure patient safety and experience is at the centre of planning, analysis and delivery Ensure that the Trust employs robust risk management of all clinical and corporate objectives Ensure that systems are in place to delivery accurate and timely statutory information (eg Data Protection and Freedom of Information) Financial Management and Resource Management Assume overall delegated responsibility for delegated budgets within standing financial instructions. Ensure that services are delivered safely within agreed financial resources and in line with agreed service contracts/SLAs. Lead and ensure delivery of care groups budget ensuring all financial Standing Financial Instructions are adhered to and budget control targets are met To review and monitor financial performance and to hold delegated budget holders to account ensuring services remain within their delegated expenditure limit Analysing cost pressures and putting in place budget monitoring plans Ensure optimum use of staff within agreed expenditure targets and promote effective use of bank staff, providing safe nursing standards within agreed financial parameters Ensure data quality standards and care records are maintained and use within all clinical environments and in accordance with information governance policy Lead the annual budget setting process, to ensure that workforce plans are in line with financial planning, whilst maintaining workforce levels that deliver safe, high quality care Ensure the effective management of service budgets across all disciplines and service areas in the care group(s) and that any agreed cost improvement programme / value for money scheme is achieved. Working with the financial business partner, ensure that the care group(s) has robust arrangements to report and monitor spend. Identify resource pressures and take action to resolve them, including negotiation with commissioners, development of business cases and the adjustment of activity / capacity. Develop, agree and deliver cost improvements / value for money schemes in line with planning assumptions within the care group(s) and, as a member of the senior leadership team, the wider operations directorate. For the full duties of the role, please see the supporting documents attached. We are aware that an increasing number of applicants are using AI technology to generate responses on NHS Job application forms. We strongly discourage this and will conduct a thorough screening process before selecting candidates to progress to the next stage. If you are using AI to enhance your application, please disclose this in your NHS Jobs application form.