To provide learning support to students as directed by the SENCO responsible for Social and Education Inclusion. Supporting groups of students according to their educational needs under the direction/supervision of class teachers. Supervising groups of students and individuals under the direction/supervision of the class teacher. Preparation of materials for teaching staff. Communicating regularly with the class teacher to whom they are responsible to ensure continuity of provision for students and to ensure that progress is made and recorded. Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual students and of any group of students assigned. The presentation and display of student’s work both within and outside of classrooms. Helping to maintain a stimulating, healthy and safe learning environment in the immediate teaching area. Where appropriate, communicating and co-operating with appropriate persons or bodies outside the school. Participating in meetings arranged for any of the purposes described above. Participating in arrangements for further training and professional development. Maintaining good order among students and safeguarding their health and safety whether on the school premises or when engaged in authorised activities elsewhere. Participating in meetings at the school which relate to the curriculum or the organisation of the school, including pastoral arrangements. Attending assembles, registering the attendance of students, and where applicable assisting with playground duties. To run intervention strategies for individual/groups of students. Communicating with parents to discuss individual student’s attendance, progress and support needs. To maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour and to uphold the Nolan Principles. School Term Time Role Days/Hours: Monday-Thursday 8.15am-5.00pm | Friday 8.15am-3.45pm 200 days worked per year (190 term time days, plus 5 term time PD Days, plus 5 additional days in negotiation with the Line Manager) Please visit our website for further details and to download our non-teaching application form. Please send completed application forms to Mrs Turnbull at We look forward to hearing from interested candidates. Walsall Academy is committed to safeguarding our students and all posts will require enhanced DBS check and standard pre-employment checks. Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) 2024, refers to the role of online searches as part of due diligence within the recruitment process. In response, all short-listed candidates will undergo an online search prior to interview.