Service Delivery Responsibilities To take the lead role in Integra catalogue management administration, setting up new catalogues and updating contract data, maintaining the existing databases and ensuring that the system is well maintained and configured for optimum efficiency. To analyse procurement activity recorded by internal systems in order to identify procurement opportunities. To lead the procurement requirements for the assigned projects within the Procurement work plan, providing best value across the range of products and services contracted. To assist in the provision of a procurement service that supports customers in developing opportunities and achieving value for money. To train new Trust personnel in the use of the Integra system and establish a refresher program for existing users. To supervise the day to day working and support staff to ensure working efficiencies through the promoting of good working practices, communications and problem solving. To process non-stock purchase orders utilising the Integra system, ensuring that orders are processed in time and prioritising where necessary. To evaluate requisitions and determine appropriate sourcing (ie) utilising local, national or confederation contracts ensuring that value for money and quality considerations are to the fore. To operate under and are in full compliance with Trust policies prior to generating procurement orders. Particular emphasis on statutory regulations and procedures as defined within the Trusts SFIs and SOs. Take lead responsibility with catalogue management duties therefore ensuring up to date pricing and contract information is maintained within the system to the benefit of end users and contract management. Take lead role in seeking both competitive quotations and new sources of supply as necessary to ensure that quality, technical and value for money considerations are accounted for. Liaising with appropriate managers to clarify key points prior to generating purchase orders. Play an active role in contributing to the development of the contracts data base for all Foundation Group contracts to both monitor expenditure and to drive the contractual renewal process. Create statistical product usage reports from Integra and liaise with key suppliers with the purpose of driving the contracting process to secure financial benefits through maximising the economies of scale. When required, produce timely contract documentation and ensure distribution to key budget managers. Keep such documentation up dated and drive the renewal process through a process of consultation to ensure that any changes are reflected within the new contract arrangement. Through the contracting process and product usage analysis strive to reduce the supplier base to both drive up savings and drive down administrative/procedural costs. Ensure, on a monthly basis, that all contract negotiations are reflected in updated cataloguing, ensuring supplier pricing is recorded emanating from the contracting/negotiation process. To actively participate in the development and optimum use of the Integra procurement system (eg) taking a departmental lead to ensure operational changes and enhancements are reviewed and adopted in a timely manner and to assist in the provision of reports/information as and when required. Under the direction of a senior member of the team, undertake tenders in accordance with the Find a Tender process. To use the electronic tendering system and contracts finder portals.