3 monthsongoing contract with Localgovernment
Withinthe context of selfdirected support personalisation and working asa member of a multidisciplinary team responsible for meeting theassessment care management and support needs of vulnerable adultsthe post holderwill:
* Managean independent caseload assessing people with physicaldisabilities/ sensory impairment/ mental ill health/ learningdisabilities.
* Takespecific responsibility for the provision of appropriate equipment/ minor and major adaptations / assistive technology and theplanning/implementation of appropriate reablementprogrammes.
To contributeto effective support planning to enable citizens and carers to maketheir own decisions by exercising choice encouraging independenceand access to community resources to meet their assessedneeds.
To facilitateand contribute to the assessment of the needs of vulnerable adultsand their carers feeding into the process of specialist and morecomplex assessments in line with the principles of selfdirectedsupport and singleassessment.
To supportcitizens to promote their health wellbeing choice andcontrol.
To visitcitizens in their own homes (with other professional staff whenrequired) and assess their potential and needs for equipment/minoradaptations/assistivetechnology.
To demonstratethe correct use of equipment and to ensure the recipient isconfident in itsuse.
To beresponsible for ordering and ensuring timely delivery of equipmentfrom the Integrated Community EquipmentService.
To reviewequipment provision with the service user and ensure all needs havebeen met.
To ensure theprovision of comprehensive case records assessments and reports onserviceusers.
To work closelywith other members of the multidisciplinaryteam.
To workflexibly with other colleagues from other disciplines and othercommunity agencies in enabling people to access community resourceslead independent lives and make their owndecisions.
To participatein individual and team developmentactivities.
To take part inany training identified as necessary for the correct performance ofthe job.
To promote andenforce the Council s Equal Opportunitiespolicy.
To promote andenforce the Council s Health & Safetypolicy.
To work at alltimes in accordance with the aims and objectives of adult socialcare and WalsallCouncil.
To undertakesuch other duties as the council may reasonably requirecommensurate with the grading of thepost.
EssentialExperience and Qualifications(Sample):
Demonstrate anunderstanding of the needs of vulnerable adults and their family /carers
Demonstrate anunderstanding of the concept of personalisation and selfdirectedsupport to enable citizens to live independent lives exercisingchoice and control in decision making working in a reablingmanner