St John’s admits seven or more undergraduates each year to read for degrees in Modern Languages (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese and Modern Greek) and the associated Joint Schools with (Linguistics, Classics, History, Philosophy, English, and Middle Eastern Languages), of which typically six students read French. Modern Languages has a diverse group of undergraduates and graduate students, and tries to attract students from the broadest range of backgrounds. The successful applicant will work with Prof Nikolaj Lübecker, Professor of French and Film Studies, Dr Alice Roullière, Supernumerary Teaching Fellow in French, Ms Marie Elven, Lecturer in French Language, and with other academic colleagues in the various Modern Languages and Joint School subjects. The post offers the opportunity to develop skills in teaching and academic administration in a supportive environment.
The Lecturer will provide up to an average of 1.6 hours per week during each week of full term the post-1800 literature topics for prelims students (seminars, tutorials, revision
sessions),as directed by the organising tutor in Modern Languages (Prof. Lübecker);
In addition, they will: set (and mark) start of term collections for first year students as required, and contribute as appropriate to the College’s access and outreach initiatives and undergraduate admissions process.
The salary will be 0.2FTE of the University scales 7.1, currently £7,205 per annum, pro-rata for the period of appointment and is dependent on qualifications and experience. This figure will be adjusted to grade 6.1, for candidates who do not hold a doctorate.
In addition, the successful candidate will be entitled to research allowances, and dining privileges as outlined in the Further Particulars. Further particulars for the post, including information about the application procedure, can be found
This appointment is open to suitably qualified candidates from all backgrounds. The Colleges will especially welcome applications from women and ethnic minorities, who are under-represented among academic staff generally, and from those whose caring or family responsibilities mean that they do not work full-time or mean that they are now returning to work following a career break. However, all applications will be considered entirely on merit, and with due regard to each candidate’s relevant experience and circumstances.