Head Teacher of The Preparatory Department
The Board of Governors seeks to appoint a suitably qualified candidate for the post of Head Teacher of the Preparatory Department, Inchmarlo from mid-August 2025. The person appointed to the post will be accountable to the Principal of RBAI and, through her, to the Inchmarlo Management Committee of the Board of Governors, for the efficient and effective leadership and management of the Preparatory Department.
He or she will be expected to teach a designated class, with provision made for non-contact time during the school day. In addition to showing that he/she knows and understands what is involved in leading and managing a school for boys aged 4 to 11 and can demonstrate that he/she has experience of such leadership and management, he/she will be expected to provide evidence of:-
· Use of baseline and value added data, including PTE and PTM to inform improvement and development planning;
· Strategic planning, informed through self-evaluation by staff, pupils and parents, data, and assessment of teaching and learning standards;
· An excellent understanding of the characteristics of high quality learning and teaching for boys at all Key Stages (and Pre-Prep), and the ability both to encourage their development and ensure that they are consistently achieved;
· Effective monitoring, evaluation and review of good practice, and skills to disseminate effectively to colleagues;
· The ability to provide accurate reports as required, for the Principal and Inchmarlo Management Committee. These will include quality of learning, teaching and extra-curricular achievement and progress;
· Experience of preparing, implementing and evaluating school improvement and action plans;
· Marketing and PR skills, to promote the department;
· An awareness of and experience of financial and premises management, preparing and working to a budget;
· The enthusiasm and capacity to communicate sensitively and effectively to a range of audiences, including pupils, members of staff, parents, members of the Board of Governors, and outside agencies.
The successful applicant will lead the Pre-Prep, the Preparatory Department, the Breakfast and After School Clubs.
Essential criteria for appointment
To be considered for appointment, applicants must:
* Qualified teacher status as recognised by the Department of Education NI and registered with GTCNI by time of appointment.
· An Honours degree 2:1 or above, or equivalent post graduate qualification.
· By January 2025, have a minimum of 7 years’ teaching experience in a preparatory department and/or primary school, within the past 7 years.
Desirable criteria for appointment
· Have had a minimum of 2 years’ successful experience in the past 5 years of a management or leadership role.
· Experience of managing a Pre-Prep and/or wraparound care
· Be able to demonstrate that he/she has maintained his/her professional development, eg, EA Leadership Programme, PQH, MA and/or equivalent.
NB: Enhancement of the essential and/or desirable criteria – candidates should note that where, in these essential and desirable criteria, reference is made to a minimum number of years, the selection panel reserves the right to enhance any or all of such numbers.
Additional Information
A successful applicant who has a son attending Inchmarlo is eligible for 50% discount in respect of fees.
An application pack is available on the school website .
Please send a letter of application, including a CV and the names and addresses of two referees, along with the completed Monitoring Form and Pre-Employment Vetting Declaration. Please return your application to the Principal’s PA at The Royal Belfast Academical Institution, College Square East, Belfast, BT1 6DL or by email to prinsec@rbai.belfast.ni.sch.uk .
The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 14 March 2025. Interviews and lesson observations will be held on Tuesday 25 March 2025.
The School is an Equal Opportunities Employer.