Job summary
Southend East PCN is looking for a paramedic to work on their Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) strategy. Our project focuses on the elderly & frail patients and the health inequalities around being housebound. The role will support patient access to healthcare by providing home visits to these patients, and completing a full review - for both clinical and social needs, and will be able to refer on to the wider MDT. The aim of the project is to keep this cohort out of hospital.
Main duties of the job
- Triaging patients within the PCN site - Norton Place
- Conducting and planning weekly visits to PCN-aligned Care Homes to carry out ward rounds
- Work through a home visit list for patients that have been requested to be seen by the member surgeries, attending the to the patients and assessing them based on what the GP surgery has requested
- Utilising the FrEDA (Frailty, End of Life & Dementia Assessment) to full effect to make sure patient details are easier to find for other healthcare providers
- Working closely with the Population Health Management team within the alliance to make sure the PCN fully integrates with other service providers in our INT
- Carry out QOF reviews for the surgeries for patients unable to get to the surgery
About us
Southend East PCN is located at Norton Place in Shoebury, along Ness Road. We have our own PCN building which is extremely active and is in use by our 5 member practices in the local area. We cover approx 37,000 patients and offer a range of appointments from our wide range of staff, fully utilising the ARRS budget. Our team consists of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, social prescribers, health trainers, paramedics, physiotherapists and assistant practitioners. We have 2 clinical directors who are partners in two local surgeries, and an operations manager to provide support wherever needed. We have a strong digital presence and have employed a Digital Transformational Lead, to help our PCN network with other businesses and mature over time.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Assess, diagnose,plan, implement and evaluate treatment/interventions and care for patientspresenting with an undifferentiated diagnosis;
Clinically examineand assess patient needs from a physiological and psychological perspective,and plan clinical care accordingly;
Assess diagnosis,plan, implement and evaluate interventions/treatments for patients with complexneeds. Proactively identify, diagnose and manage treatment plans for patientsat risk of developing a long-term condition (as appropriate);
Diagnose and manageboth acute and chronic conditions, integrating both drug- and non-drug-based treatmentmethods into a management plan;
Prescribe andreview medication for therapeutic effectiveness, appropriate to patient needsand in accordance with evidence-based practice and national and practiceprotocols, and within scope of practice;
Work with patientsin order to support compliance with and adherence to prescribed treatments. Provideinformation and advice on prescribed or over-the-counter medication onmedication regimens, side-effects and interactions;
Prioritise healthproblems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgentor emergency situations, including initiation of effective emergency care;
Support patients toadopt health promotion strategies that promote healthy lifestyles, and applyprinciples of self-care;
Support and managehealth needs of women presenting for family planning, cervical cytology orsexual health consultation;
Assess, identifyand refer patients presenting with mental health needs in accordance with theNSF for Mental Health;
Implement andparticipate in vaccination and immunisation programmes for both adults andchildren;
Advise support andadminister vaccinations for patients travelling abroad, where appropriate;
Promote and deliverevidence-based care for patients presenting with aural conditions
Meet the needs ofpatients presenting for opportunistic wound care
Ensure that home visits are undertaken safely in line with the organisations lone worker and health & safety policies.
Ensure that patient identifiable information, laptops and smartcards are transported in line with the information governance policy.
Prescribe treatment in line with local and national guidelines and CCG formulary.
Ensure accurate and legible notes of all consultations and treatments are recorded promptly in the patients notes on SystmOne.
To maintain infection control standards in varied and challenging environments in line with the organisations infection control policy and procedural guidance.
To ensure the safety of patients, relatives and colleagues and to report all incidents and near misses in line with the risk management policy.
To remain up-to-date with all mandatory training.
To maintain up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding adult and children guidance to ensure that those at risks of abuse/suffering abuse are identified and the necessary process to protect them is followed.
To meet responsibilities as an employee as set out in the organisations corporate and clinical policies.
To meet responsibilities as an employee as set out in the Main Duties of the Job section of this job advert
To maintain confidentiality at all times.
Ensure accurate completion of all necessary documentation associated with patient health care.
Person Specification
1. is educated to degree/diploma level in Paramedicine or equivalent
2. experience;
3. is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC);
4. has completed their two-year Consolidation of Learning period as a
5. newly qualified paramedic;
6. has a further three years experience as a band 6 (or equivalent)
7. paramedic;
8. s working towards developing masters level or equivalent capability in
9. paramedic areas of practice and, within six months of the commencement
10. of reimbursement for that individual (or a longer time period as agreed with
11. the commissioner), has completed and been signed off formally within the
12. clinical pillar competencies of the paramedic FCP/AP roadmap to practice.
13. Primary care experience
14. Triage experience in primary care setting
15. Experience with Systmone