A person appointed Vice Principal in a school, in addition to carrying out the professional duties of a teacher, shall play a major role under the overall direction of the principal in:
1. Formulating the aims and objectives of the school;
2. Establishing the policies through which they will be achieved;
3. Managing staff and resources to that end;
4. Monitoring progress towards their achievement;
5. Undertaking any professional duties of the principal delegated to him/her by the principal;
6. Undertaking the professional duties of the principal in the event of his/her absence;
7. Entitlement to a break of at least 30 minutes between the hours of 12 noon and 2pm.
The successful candidate will work within the agreed Terms and Conditions of Service for Vice-Principals and will be required to deputise for the Principal when necessary, taking an active part in all aspects of school life.
In addition to a full-time teaching commitment and membership of the School Leadership Team, the Vice-Principal’s duties will include:
1. Leading learning through example by high standards of teaching and learning.
2. Assisting the Principal in all areas of leading learning and teaching, school administration, management, and organisation.
3. Assisting the Principal in leading School Development Planning, School Evaluation Self-Evaluations, and Staff Development (INSET).
4. Curriculum Co-ordination including overseeing the development and delivery of the curriculum across the Key Stages.
5. Assisting the Principal in co-ordinating curriculum development, including planning, benchmarking, target setting, PRSD, and monitoring the quality of provision within the school.
6. Assessment coordinator for the school.
7. Assisting the Principal in the promotion of positive behaviour and assertive discipline.
8. Chairing the Safeguarding Team and ensuring that children have the best opportunity to reach their potential (with a particular interest in the Gifted/Talented).
9. Acting as line manager for classroom assistants.
10. Assisting the Principal with financial administration including budget planning and projections, allocations, and monitoring spend and reconciliations.
11. Responsibility for timetables and rotas.
12. Maintaining, developing, and promoting formal and informal links with parents including membership of the school PTFA committee.
13. Assisting the Principal in organising major school events.
14. Responsibility for extra-curricular activities.
15. Assisting with lunchtime cover.
16. Undertaking such other duties as the Principal may require.
This job description may be amended at any time after discussion with the Principal.
Conditions of Service
The conditions of service for this post will be in accordance with the Regulations of the Department of Education for Northern Ireland.
This job description will be subject to review in light of changing circumstances and is not intended to be rigid and inflexible but should be regarded as providing guidelines within which the individual works. Other duties of a similar nature and appropriate to the grade may be assigned from time to time.
In accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), the post-holder is expected to promote good relations, equality of opportunity and pay due regard for equality legislation at all times.