* To support the Principal in providing professional leadership across BGIS that secures its success.
* To be the strategic lead for the Nursery and Junior School including day to day running, academic standards, curriculum development and overseeing pastoral support in liaison with the Deputy Head Juniors and Nursery Manager.
* To contribute to the professional culture and ethos of the school. This role includes the direct line management of the Deputy Head Juniors and Nursery Manager.
* To take the lead in marketing and promoting the Nursery and the Junior School, with particular attention to increase nursery numbers and number of pupils transferring to the Junior School.
* To ensure high quality education for all pupils and improved standards of learning and achievement.
* To lead by example, providing inspiration and motivation, and embody for the pupils, staff, governors and parents the vision, purpose and leadership of the school.
* To oversee the provision of wrap-around care in school.
* To develop a future Business Strategy and develop a roadmap for the Nursery and show a commercial responsibility.
* Demonstrate Leadership coaching skills