As a H-Mode Pedestal MHD Modeller, you will model tokamak pedestal plasmas using non-linear MHD stability codes. The modelling will focus on the pedestal stability and ELM crash dynamics and will help to understand the processes governing the pedestal limits and evolution as well as to evaluate and minimise the divertor heat loads from ELMs. You'll use the models for predicting and optimising pedestals in future fusion devices such as ST based power plant designs to be developed in the STEP programme, as well as developing methods to mitigate and suppress the ELMs.
Additional Responsibilities:
* Run and analyse results from JOREK for simulated equilibria in future devices to predict ELM behaviour and construct ELM mitigation methods.
* Propose and develop models describing the physical processes in the H-mode pedestal.
* Strongly interact with experimental colleagues and other modellers and play an active role in contributing to pedestal elements of the research programme on STEP.
* Report results at science and other regular progress meetings.