This is an exciting opportunity to join our existing Surgical Nurse Practitioners in Surgical SDEC. SDEC is a surgical same day emergency care unit. Successful ACP’s will provide expert assessment, examination, treatment and management skills to aid the development of the new unit. Supporting both the medical and nursing team to shape and develop the SDEC will be an integral part of the role. The post-holder, will play a pivotal role in the supervision and support of trainee ACP’s and the development of advanced practice within the Surgical SDEC unit.
We are looking for ACP’s that are passionate about their role, its development and achieving better outcomes for patients. You will be required to possess an MSc in Advanced Practice (or equivalent clinical Master’s Degree), certification in Independent and Supplementary prescribing, teaching qualification, and able to demonstrate possession of core skills in Advanced Life Support.
We invite you to arrange an informal visit and look at the fabulous facilities available within the new centre.
It is also important to note, if you currently do not posses an ACP, we put you on the correct education programme to obtain one.
The post holder will be practicing autonomously as an advanced practitioner within Surgery to provide patient-centered clinical care. The role will encompass the skills of assessment, examination,
diagnosis and treatment within an agreed scope of practice throughout the surgical SDEC Unit.
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust is one of the largest NHS Trusts in the West Midlands providing primary, acute and community services and we are incredibly proud of the diversity of both our staff and the communities we serve. We welcome the rich diversity that exists within our communities and workforce and are building a workforce that can help us to realise our values, improve quality of care for patients, and solve the health care problems of tomorrow. We are passionate about the value that diversity of thinking and lived experience brings in enabling us to become a learning organisation and leader in delivering compassionate care for our patients. We are delighted that we have been rated as a “Good” organisation by CQC, following our inspection in 2019 and just like you, we are ambitious about what we do.
Bring your dedication and determination here, and you will benefit from the support of an experienced and enthusiastic multi-professional team committed to the delivery of brilliant patient care. We have been nationally recognised for providing excellence in healthcare; we are home to the busiest and most technologically advanced Cardiac Centre in the West Midlands. We have a strong research focus; the Trust hosts the Clinical Research Network West Midlands (CRN WM), which is part of the National Institute for Health Research, the clinical research delivery arm of the NHS.
To be accountable for:
1. Ensuring safe and effective clinical practice
2. Enhancing the patient’s experience
3. Ensuring effective contribution to the delivery of the organisation’s objectives
1.1 To Ensure Safe and Effective Clinical Practice.
1. To be professionally accountable for the maintenance of standards of professional practice as set by the Nursing & Midwifery Council / Health & Care Professions Council.
2. To take personal responsibility for actions and omissions, and fully recognise personal accountability
3. To practise within an ethical framework based upon respect for the well-being and safety of patients.
4. To demonstrate expert and extensive knowledge in areas such as diagnostics, therapeutics, the biological, social and epidemiological sciences and pharmacology, and enhanced skills in areas such as consultation and clinical decision-making and to keep abreast of new treatments and technologies within respiratory care.
5. To appropriately assess, examine, investigate, diagnose and treat patients, resulting in the safe management and appropriate referral or discharge of patients with undifferentiated and undiagnosed
6. Undertake interventional procedures/ highly specialist diagnostics.
7. Act as a change agent, developing clinically effective practice through the effective utilisation and integration of evidence based practice, setting implementing and monitoring evidence based standards of care, policies, procedures, competencies and protocols.
8. Ensure a culture of continuous quality improvement through the use of audit, patient feedback and reflection on practice by self and other members of the team.
9. Promote a clean and safe environment for staff, patients and visitors by ensuring compliance with legislation, policies and protocols including health and safety, healthcare associated infection prevention, clinical governance, including risk management and critical incident reporting and root cause analysis.
10. Ensure a high standard of compassionate clinical care and record keeping in accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Council / Health & Care Professions Council, national legislation and local standards
11. Lead effective communication with the multi-professional team regarding patient care.
12. Assess the risks involved in the care of patients and ensure utilisation of practices and protocols to minimise those risks, including safe use of medical devices.
13. To monitor the standards of care and take appropriate actions when standards fall below expected levels.
14. Report incidents and near misses promptly and appropriately and take effective action to minimise future risk.
15. Identify and implement systems to promote contribution of advanced level practice and demonstrate the impact of advanced level practice to the healthcare team and the wider health and social care sector;
16. Continually evaluate and audit the practice of self and others at individual and systems levels, selecting and applying valid and reliable approaches and methods which are appropriate to needs and context, and
acting on the findings.
17. Continually assess and monitor risk in own and others’ practice and challenge others about wider risk factors.
18. Critically appraise and synthesise the outcomes of relevant research, evaluations and audits and apply the information when seeking to improve practice.
2.1 To Enhance the Patients Experience
1. To assess individuals, families and populations holistically using a range of different assessment methods, physical examination, ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests or advanced health needs assessment.
2. Admit/discharge patients between acute and secondary care.
3. Have a health promotion and prevention orientation, and comprehensively assess patients for risk factors and early signs of illness.
4. Draw on a diverse range of highly specialist knowledge in decision-making to determine evidence-based therapeutic interventions prescribe medication and actively monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic
5. Working in partnership with others, delegate and refer as appropriate to optimise health outcomes and resource use.
6. Use professional judgement in independently managing complex and unpredictable care events and capture the learning from these experiences to improve patient care and service delivery.
7. Draw upon an appropriate range of multi-agency and inter-professional resources in clinical practice.
8. Work within appropriately defined boundaries of practice.
9. Ensure an effective and efficient patient’s journey by supervising the planning and co-ordination of the episode of care including the smooth transition to other settings, promoting safe and effective discharge
and optimising communication with interdisciplinary and interagency teams as required.
10.Co-ordinate nursing/midwifery interventions advise on clinical decisions and monitor the quality of patient care provided through using expert clinical knowledge relevant to own field of practice, underpinned by
theory and experience.
11.Within a multidisciplinary framework, develop a culture of person-centred care.
12.Promote a caring environment where equality and diversity issues are respected and patients are enabled to be partners in their care.
13.Identify opportunities to develop care and services by ensuring that there are effective systems in place to ascertain patient and carer experience/feedback and ensure complaints are managed in line with
organisational policy, including the dissemination of learning points.
14. Ensure that everyone within the sphere of care is treated with dignity and humanity, understanding individual needs, showing compassion and sensitivity, and provide care in a way that respects all people
15.Provide consultancy service to own services and other professions on therapeutic interventions, practice and service development.
16. To contribute to the development and improvement of systems, processes and clinical guidelines that facilitates patient flow within the ARU and adjacent clinical/assessment areas and ensures a standardised
approach to care.
17. Plan opportunities to generate and apply new knowledge to own and others’ practice in structured ways which are capable of evaluation.
18. Lead and develop highly specialised programmes of care/care packages ensuring effective delivery by self or others that may impact across the Trust.
3.To Manage and Develop the Performance of the Team
1. Demonstrate resilience and determined leadership in contexts that are unfamiliar, complex and unpredictable.
2. Strive constantly to improve practice and health outcomes so that they are consistent with or better than national and international standards through initiating, facilitating and leading change at individual, team,
organisational and system levels.
3. Engage stakeholders and use high-level negotiating and influencing skills to develop and improve practice.
4. Work across professional, organisational and system boundaries and proactively develop and sustain new partnerships and networks to influence and improve health, outcomes and healthcare delivery
systems to provide a seamless pathway of care.
5. Develop practices and roles that are appropriate to patient and service need through understanding the implications of and applying epidemiological, demographic, social, political and professional trends and
6. Identify the need for change, proactively generate practice innovations and lead new practice and service redesign solutions to better meet the needs of patients and the service.
7. Act as a visible role model, creating a supportive ethos to empower staff to contribute to the delivery of high quality person centred care.
8. Ensure that the ACP takes responsibility for the care they provide and answer for their own judgments and actions and carry out those actions in a way that is agreed with their patients, and the families and
carers of their patients, and in a way that meets the requirements of organisational policies and procedures, their professional bodies and the law.
9. Assist the Lead Advanced Clinical Practitioner in the appraisal process ensuring that personal development plans are consistent with the team’s, ward’s and organisation’s objectives, succession planning and workforce development.
10. Take all reasonable care of health and safety at work for you, your team and others and to co-operate
with employers to ensure compliance with health and safety requirements.
11. Create a learning environment that ensures effective learning opportunities for staff and students including appropriate orientation and induction programmes, a range of clinical support strategies (mentoring, coaching, and clinical supervision).
12. Maintain training needs analyses to support standards of care delivery development of the service.
13. Develop strategies and undertake activities that monitor and improve the quality of healthcare and the effectiveness of own and others’ practice.
14. Assist in local recruitment and selection, and contribute to corporate recruitment and selection processes.
Please refer to the attached job description for the full job description and main responsibilities
This advert closes on Friday 21 Mar 2025