For further information regarding the role and listed responsibilities, please see the attached detailed job Description including the full persons specification and timetable. We highly recommend that you visit the department before the interview. Additional roles and responsibilities are: For further information regarding the role and listed responsibilities, please see the attached detailed job Description including the full persons specification and timetable. We highly recommend that you visit the department before the interview. Additional roles and responsibilities are: Infection Control - It is the responsibility of all staff to familiarise themselves with, and adhere to, current policy in relation to the prevention of the spread of infection and the wearing of uniforms. Clinical Audit - The appointee will be expected to contribute to the development and reporting of Clinical Quality Standards. As such you will actively participate in initiating and supervising audits related to your sub-speciality, Liaising with the audit speciality Lead Consultant and gaining approval from the Clinical Effectiveness Committee. Quality Improvement -- You will be encouraged to participate in quality improvement projects to support the ongoing development of the department. This is supported by the hospital successful Quality Improvement team, who can provide direct support for projects as well as running a programme of Quality Improvement education activities. Clinical Governance - All clinical staff are accountable and responsible for their own clinical competence and should limit their actions to those for which they are deemed competent. Clinical staff are also required to comply with the requirements of their professional organisations regarding supervision. Administration/Budgetary responsibilities - Responsibility for undertaking the administrative duties associated with the care of patients and the administration of the department. Appraisal and Mandatory annual training - The successful candidate(s) will be required to participate actively in the annual appraisal process. In addition, they will be expected to complete mandatory annual update training.