Domestic Assistant, Trianaid
10 hours Per Week, Temporary Post
£7, - £7, per annum, inclusive of £ per annum Distant Islands Allowance
You will provide domestic assistance in the Home, with particular responsibility for the overall cleanliness of the Home, to the standard necessary for the health and safety of the service users.
You should have experience of cleaning, preferably to a schedule or in a work setting and the ability to understand, retain and act on instructions. You should have an understanding of the needs of the client group.
The wearing and use of PPE is essential in this post.
This position is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults.
Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. The post holder will be required on a temporary basis.
Please see attached 'Job Description & Person Specification ' for further information.
It is vital you read the job description and person specification, in your Experience statement please detail how you meet each of the essential criteria we ask for in the person specification.
Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment.
Closing Date: Monday 17 March
Neach-cuideachaidh dachaigh-cùraim, Trianaid
10 uairean a thìde gach seachdain, Post Cuibhrichte
£7, - £7, gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £ gach bliadhna de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach
Bidh tu cuideachadh anns an dachaigh-cùraim, le uallach sònraichte airson glanaid na dachaigh cùraim san fharsaingeachd, gu ìre a tha riatanach airson slàinte agus fallaineachd luchd-cleachdaidh na seirbheis.
Bu chòir eòlas a bhith agad air glanadh, a-rèir clàr-obrach no suidheachadh gnìomhachais agus a bhith comasach air stiùireadh a thuigse, a chumail nad chuimhne sa leantainn. Bu chòir tuigse a bhith agad air feumalachdan luchd-cleachdaidh.
Tha bhith caitheamh aodach-dìon PPE riatanach airson na dreuchd.
Tha am post a’ tighinn fo bhuaidh Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith an sàs ann an obair riaghailteach le inbhich.
Tha an tuarastal airson na h-obrach a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Thèid duine fhastadh airson ùine chuibhrichte.
Faic an Cunntas Obrach agus Cunntas Pearsanta a tha an cois an t-sanais seo airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Tha e riatanach gun leugh thu an cunntas obrach agus an sònrachadh pearsanta ‘s gun toir thu iomradh air mar a tha thu a’ coilionadh gach slat-tomhais air a bheilear a’ toirt iomraidh anns an t-sònrachadh-phearsanta nad aithisg eòlais.
Thèid agallaibhean a chumail air beulaibh dhaoine, a’ toirt cothroim do thagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air an àrainneachd obrach.
Ceann-latha: Diluain 17 Màrt