A. Provide senior medical input and clinical leadership to Phoenix ward. The post holder will have responsibility for those patients seen by them, together with those patients seen by medical staff directly supervised by the post holder. B. Work alongside the ward managers, modern matrons and the other Consultant Psychiatrists in the service to ensure the effective functioning and development of the inpatient service. C. Provide direct clinical supervision and line management to the speciality doctors and any residents placed with the team. This will include 1 hour per week psychiatry supervision for each resident in an accredited training post. In addition, clinical supervision needs to be available daily for medical residents and a pro rata equivalent level of supervision needs to be provided for speciality doctors. D. Provide direct clinical care and ensure medical involvement in the CPA process and weekly multidisciplinary ward rounds. Family meetings, professionals meetings, further ad hoc patient reviews and seclusion reviews are expected as part of this role. The consultant will be expected to adhere to good clinical practice based on research evidence. E. The post holder will contribute to referral management with the modern matron, ward manager and senior nurses. The post holder will jointly review nursing care plans with senior nursing staff, attend daily handover meetings, fortnightly business meeting, fortnightly learning from incidents meeting and weekly reflective practice meeting. They will work closely with the Patient Flow Team and Crisis and Home Treatment Team of the trust. F. The post holder is expected to be eligible for Section 12(2) approval under the Mental Health Act. The Trust will support obtaining Section 12 approval and Approved Clinician status if required. G. The post holder will fulfil the requirements for Mental Health Act work for patients admitted to Phoenix ward. This specifically relates to the preparation of reports for Tribunals and Managers meetings, as the responsibility devolves to the Consultant as the Responsible Clinician on admission of patients from the community. Appropriate transfer processes should be adhered to for accepting and discharging patients from the ward. H. Provide timely written correspondence to relevant professionals, including MHA Tribunal reports documenting assessments, on-going management, progress, and eventual discharge using Trust IT and clinical records system training will be provided where needed. I. Work collaboratively with other agencies, in particular liaison with staff from community teams to manage smooth and timely transfer into and out of the ward. J. Contribute to developing and delivering improved clinical services as outlined in the National Service Framework for Mental Health, keeping AIMS accreditation and good rating from CQC. K. Consultant cross-cover arrangement for annual leave, study leave, unplanned leave, and brief periods of sickness absence are with the Consultant on Ashurst Ward. Occasionally, cross cover arrangements may have to be negotiated with wards at Warneford Hospital. Providing cover to Ashurst consultant in their absence and conducting Health based place of safety assessments on the 2 sites at Littlemore is a core part of the job. L. Participate in the Oxfordshire Adult on-call consultant Rota (Currently approximately 1 in 26 Oxfordshire, category A, banded at 3%). There are usually two specialist registrars - ST4 to ST6 residents, on call, who take first line responsibility for referrals from the community. The ST4 or ST6 residents also provide second line support to ST1 to ST3 residents on shift duty at the main hospital sites.