The IKM will form part of a dedicated workforce and the primary roles include but are not limited to:
Co-ordinating annual external quality audits and performing internal quality audits.
Lead the ‘SharePoint’ and ‘MS Teams’ sites, ensuring they are accurately configured and aligned with information requirements and standard processes.
Responsible for maintaining and running a network of Advanced Users in IM roles and reporting to the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) on all matters to do with Information Management and Data Protection.
Implementing data governance frameworks.
Lead MODNET Secret and Official Advanced Users for RAF Honington.
Training & Awareness programs to include sessions to educate staff on IKM.
Help compile project/capability risk registers where required for Honington and to help understand the risks and mitigations.
Develop, produce and review the annual Station IM Plan for sign off by Head of Establishment.
Other grade appropriate duties as required by the Line Manager.