The PGME Team: - Provide administrative support for projects delegated by other members of the team as required, whilst assisting with the day-to-day running of the PGME Office. - Work cohesively with the PGME Team. - Maintain a professional profile when dealing with confidential or sensitive information, adhering to the Data Protection Act. - Up-date the PGME Calendar for team working locations. - Assist where required - setting up AV/Teams Equipment, setting up Training Rooms, assist with Registration of Training Events, help Delegates and Faculty when and where required. - Be responsible for own compliance with Trust Mandatory Training. - Ensure that Resident Doctors of all grades, are provided with the appropriate support and information. - Assist with the preparation and distribution of relevant documentation such as handbooks/ timetables, and assist where necessary with the preparation and maintenance of spreadsheets and databases. - Ensure accurate tracking of all Resident Doctor teaching attendances. - Assist with any such reports required for monitoring/accreditation. - Work cohesively with all Trust Departments, NHSE and other appropriate Stakeholders, providing timely and accurate information as required. - Manage office supplies and resource working with our Trust Procurement Partners. - Provide general administrative support, such as filing, photocopying and document scanning when and where required. Training Sessions/Regional & Local Training Days: - Strategically responsible for sourcing appropriate accommodation for all Training sessions/days, both Trust and Regionally held at Gloucestershire Royal and Cheltenham General Hospitals Education Centres. - Work with the PGME Teams and PGME Fellows in sourcing the correct equipment for all teaching sessions. - Work with our Trust Procurement Colleagues to sustainably and cost effectively source all items required - Responsible for the Health and Safety of disposal of all substances used in Surgical Training - Work collaboratively with NHSE, our major Stakeholders for the financial arrangements for hosting and delivering such teaching sessions, reporting post-teaching/courses accurately, on attendances and financial spend. Key Result Areas: RESULT AREAS: - Ability to operate with independent judgement and initiative, working to strict deadlines and able to switch tasks readily and frequently without loss of concentration - Self-motivated with a pro-active approach and able to work without direct supervision, with the ability to work in a team - Ability to manage, prioritise and organise own workload with variable and unpredictable demands whilst under pressure from PGME/other sources. - Undertaking administrative and clerical duties necessary for the smooth running of the department, demonstrating the ability to handle complex, sensitive or contentious information appropriately. - Use the P2P Procurement Stationery Ordering System to order required stationery and to raise purchase orders to ensure invoices are paid - To communicate effectively, in an administrative capacity, with a wide range of professionals both internally and externally, at all levels. - To comply with Trust and Departmental policies and procedures and work towards the Trust Objectives. - Responsible for ordering catering/refreshments for fee-paying courses/teaching sessions as requested by the Tutors/Medical Education Manager - To help out in the Education Centres when Internal/External/Trust major events are hosted. - Organise and oversee the weekly Foundation Teaching Sessions for both Foundation Year 1 & 2 taking place every Tuesday August June, setting up on MS-Teams and uploading weekly documents and recording these sessions. - Organise and oversee the Foundation Simulation Sessions supporting Foundation Resident Doctors, booking Trust Training Accommodation at our Education Centres for all sessions and resourcing Simulation Faculty to assist with these sessions. - Set-up and manage the report from JISC Surveys for Registration and Evaluation of teaching, sending feedback to Teaching Faculty, and certificates for attendees. - Co-ordinate at the beginning of the academic year with support from the Foundation Administrative Team, Taster Day Information for all Foundation Resident Doctor joining the Trust. - In collaboration with our In-House Caterers Sweet Success, with PGME Team Colleagues, plan and order catering for all teaching events.