To liaise with the Head of Imaging or equivalent with reference to strategic andoperational requirements for all relevant patient pathways. Working towards Directorateobjectives and effectiveness of the service. To manage and ensure validation of all diagnostic patient activity on a day-to-day basis,ensuring targets are met and resources are effectively utilised to maximise efficiencies. To act as Deputy RIS Manager working within the radiology MDT to ensure data isaccurate. Address queries from staff and consultants regarding clinics, work schedules and otherassociated matters regarding capacity & performance. To be actively involved in theadministration of the medical staffing timetable & rotas, influencing flexing capacity tomeet demand The post holder is responsible for the overall administration duties within the department to maintain an efficient and dedicated service, ensuring information systems are updated and monitored to provide accurate data to feedback to the Consultant and Management teams. Financial responsibility for the pay and non pay elements of your budget. The post holder will work in liaison with the Head of Imaging, Modality Leads, and Radiologists to ensure performance matches demand and capacity. Responsibility for planning and organising multi-disciplinary meetings in relation to streaming administration procedures across the Directorate. People/Management Excellence To ensure flexible working patterns are achieved to enable cross cover for leave withinthe admin team, ensuring bank & Agency costs are minimal To be responsible for managing the recruitment and selection process for new staffwithin the admin team and to be pro-active in developing strategies to retain staff in line with performance issues. To provide managerial leadership, managing sickness & absence, maintaining appraisalschedules and leading performance management issues within the admin team. Beingresponsible for staff development and training including the setting of individual anddepartmental targets for efficient ways of working. To take action to rectify deficienciesas and when appropriate, following HR Trust policies. To ensure that excellent communication channels are maintained with alldisciplines/departments both internal and external to the organisation, including staff, consultants, patients and visitors to the Trust. To attend and actively participate in appropriate departmental and Trust meetings. To challenge current ways of working within the 18 week pathways. Evaluate andmodernise pathways to ensure the smooth transition of patients between departments. To endorse the access policy, ensuring all Admin staff are fully aware of the waiting listguidance and that all other local policies and procedures are adhered to. To be able to interpret and analyse data in relation to all national performance targets,using the trust computerised systems, i.e., iPM, Infoview, or local computer systems such as CRIS, NBSS or BSU. To lead audits to ensure effective processes in accordance to the Access policy. To be responsible for the management of complaints relating to the administrationservice, actively seeking to resolve any issues at the time of notification, acting within the Trust guidelines. Represent the Directorate / Department and meetings as requested by the line Manager