CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title: Social Worker - Court Specialist Position Number: JE Code: HAYCSS064 Directorate: People Division/Section: Children’s Services Location/ Work Base: TBA Grade: 12 Accountable to: Team Manager - Care and Support Accountable for: None Main Purpose of Role: To ensure that the Local Authority has good oversight of all care proceedings and all pre-proceedings currently underway in the authority. To ensure that all court reports are submitted on time and to a high standard and minimise delay for children with effective care planning. Together with the operational Team Manager take part in Permanence Planning meetings for children, and to ensure that any assessments required in relation to connected persons or similar, are running to timescale. The Court Specialist will support social workers across the Care and Support Service including the Integrated Disability Service. Key Tasks To ensure oversight of all care proceedings in Powys (or an area within Powys). The post-holder will have an overview of all care proceedings and pre-proceedings and an understanding of the basic issues within each case, and the steps that are required in order to resolve the care plan. The post-holder will (alongside the Team Manager) support Social Workers in writing their court reports, particularly focussing on less experienced staff. The post-holder may need to attend court at times in relation to contentious cases or to support less experienced staff. Tasks: · Develop and maintain a database in order to monitor the progress of all care proceedings and pre-proceedings in the department/area · Provide reports in relation to this information to assist the Local Authority to project demand for placements, therapeutic or other relevant services. · Ensure that all children who are the subject of care proceedings have been subject to the relevant permanence planning processes in order to determine the care plan. · Ensure that Social Workers have the resources they need in order to submit court reports on time and to a high standard. · Provide practical assistance to Social Workers to ensure that they can complete court work to a good standard. · Ensure that all work to be filed before the court has been through a QA process and that the views and feelings of the child are reflected and have been actively considered in drawing up the statement. · Attend permanence planning and care planning meetings for children who are the subject of care proceedings. · Ensure that in relation to pre-proceedings, that the plan of improvement is relevant to the concerns about the children and that progress is made in a timely way, or to alert the Team Manager or Senior Manager if the progress of the family is drifting. · To attend Legal Planning Meetings in an advisory capacity. · At all times to work in co-operation with the Team Manager of the social work team in which the care proceedings are held. · To liaise with CAFCASS in relation to any concerns that they may have about the conduct of care proceedings in Powys. · To ensure that all services are provided within a framework of Equality and Diversity and Anti-discriminatory practice and take account of the views of service users. Maintaining professional development - Demonstration of Continual Professional Development including meeting the requirements of the Care Council for Wales for continued registration as a Social Worker. - To ensure that registration as a Social Worker under Social Care Wales remains current and up to date - Share skills and knowledge with colleagues in other specialisms. Corporate 1. To have the ability or be prepared to learn within a reasonable time period, how to pronounce Welsh personal and place-names correctly, and give and respond to basic greetings on the telephone or in person. 2. To take reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions and to comply with all health and safety legislation as appropriate. 3. Because of the nature of the work involved, the post you are applying for is covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013) This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check, this position is classed as regulated activity under the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and will be subject to a check to the list of those people barred from working with children. Prepared by: Cath Hogan Date: November 2018 CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL PERSON SPECIFICATION Position Title: Social Worker - Court Specialist Position Number: Department: Children and Adults Division/Section: Children’s Services Attribute Essential Desirable Identified (tick as appropriate) App Form Interview Test Exercise Experience · Extensive post qualifying experience within Children’s Services. · Extensive experience of undertaking assessments of needs and identifying risks. · Extensive experience and knowledge in the field of Child Protection, LAC, Court and the writing/ preparation of court papers · Previous experience of attending court proceeding · Ability to collate management information · Experience of mentoring and supporting less experienced staff · Experience of writing comprehensive reports E E E E E E E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Knowledge · Understanding of the needs of service users. · Knowledge of current legislation, national guidance and best practice relevant to the post. · Knowledge of social care needs of children and families. · An up to date understanding of the current agenda within children’s safeguarding. · Demonstrate an understanding of quality assurance · Extensive knowledge and understanding of legal and court processes E E E E E X X X X X X X X X X Qualifications & Training · Appropriate social work qualification (i.e. Degree in Social Work, DipSW or equivalent). · Registration as Social Worker with Social Care Wales. · Commitment to undertaking any relevant qualification relevant to this post. · Court skills training E E E E X X X X X X X X Personal Qualities · Ability to work on own initiative within a high pressured work setting · Commitment to the development of practice and services which promote equality · An enthusiastic motivated professional worker who is committed to improving outcomes for children, young people · To regard Looked After Children as our own children and to promote their equal treatment and social inclusion at all times · Committed to continual professional development · Capacity to enable staff to feel more confident in their own abilities E E E E E E X X X X X X X X X X X X Safeguarding Requirements · This position has a requirement for an Enhanced DBS Check E Skills · Excellent communication skills, written and verbal. · Good IT skills. · Ability to offer training and briefing to staff · Ability to organise, prioritise and manage own workload. · Ability to demonstrate a commitment to equalities and non-discriminatory practice. · To be able to work on own initiative · Need to be able to multi task · Have the ability to meet tight deadlines · Commitment to the principle of confidentiality. · Must have knowledge and commitment to the principles of social care as embodied in relevant legislation. E E E E E E E E E E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Other requirements · Current driving licence and the ability to travel extensively around the county. E X X Applicants should be able to pronounce Welsh personal and place-names correctly, and can give/ respond to basic greetings on the telephone or in person, or to be prepared to learn within a reasonable period. Date Reviewed: October 2018 Reviewed by: Cath Hogan CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL DISGRIFIAD SWYDD Teitl y Swydd: Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol – Arbenigwr Llys Rhif y Swydd: Cod GS: Cyfarwyddiaeth: Pobl Is-adran/Uned: Gwasanaethau Plant Lleoliad/Canolfan Waith: I’w Gadarnhau Graddfa: 12 Yn atebol i’r: Rheolwr Tîm – Gofal a Chefnogaeth Yn gyfrifol am: Neb Prif Ddiben y Swydd: Sicrhau fod gan yr Awdurdod Lleol oruchwyliaeth dda dros yr holl wrandawiadau llys a’r holl gyn-wrandawiadau sydd ar fynd gan yr awdurdod. Sicrhau fod yr holl adroddiadau llys yn cael eu cyflwyno ar amser a hyd at safon dda, gan ostwng oedi i blant gyda chynllunio gofal effeithiol. Ynghyd â’r Rheolwr Tîm gweithredol, cymryd rhan mewn cyfarfodydd Cynllunio Sefydlogrwydd i blant, a sicrhau bod unrhyw asesiadau sy’n ofynnol o ran unigolion cysylltiedig neu debyg, yn cyd-fynd ag amserlenni. Bydd yr Arbenigwr Llys yn cefnogi gweithwyr cymdeithasol ar draws y Gwasanaeth Gofal a Chefnogaeth gan gynnwys y Gwasanaeth Anableddau Integredig. Prif Dasgau Sicrhau goruchwyliaeth dros bob gwrandawiad llys ym Mhowys (neu ardal o fewn Powys). Bydd deilydd y swydd yn cael goruchwyliaeth dros yr holl wrandawiadau llys a’r holl gyn-wrandawiadau, gan feddu ar ddealltwriaeth o’r materion sylfaenol ym mhob achos, a’r camau sy’n ofynnol er mwyn datrys y cynllun gofal. Bydd deilydd y swydd (ochr yn ochr â’r Rheolwr Tîm) yn cefnogi Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol wrth ysgrifennu eu hadroddiadau llys, gan ganolbwyntio yn benodol ar staff llai profiadol. Efallai y bydd angen i ddeilydd y swydd fynychu’r llys ar brydiau o ran achosion cynhennus neu i gefnogi staff llai profiadol. Tasgau: · Datblygu a chynnal cronfa ddata er mwyn monitro cynnydd pob gwrandawiad llys a chyn-wrandawiad o fewn yr adran/ardal. · Cyflwyno adroddiadau o ran y wybodaeth hon i gynorthwyo’r Awdurdod Lleol i ragamcanu galw am leoliadau, gwasanaethau therapiwtig neu wasanaethau perthnasol eraill. · Sicrhau fod yr holl blant sy’n destun achosion llys wedi bod trwy’r prosesau cynllunio sefydlogrwydd perthnasol er mwyn penderfynu’r cynllun gofal. · Sicrhau fod adnoddau gan Weithwyr Cymdeithasol sydd eu hangen arnynt er mwyn cyflwyno adroddiadau llys ar amser a hyd at safon uchel. · Darparu cymorth ymarferol i Weithwyr Cymdeithasol i sicrhau eu bod yn gallu cwblhau gwaith llys hyd at safon dda. · Sicrhau fod yr holl waith sydd i’w gyflwyno gerbron llys wedi mynd trwy broses Sicrhau Ansawdd a bod safbwyntiau a theimladau’r plentyn yn cael eu hadlewyrchu a’u hystyried o ddifrif wrth lunio’r datganiad. · Mynychu cyfarfodydd cynllunio gofal a chynllunio sefydlogrwydd i blant sy’n destun achosion llys. · O ran y cyn-wrandawiadau, sicrhau fod y cynllun gwella yn berthnasol i bryderon am y plant a bod cynnydd yn cael ei wneud mewn ffordd amserol, neu roi gwybod i’r Rheolwr Tîm neu Uwch Reolwr os oes oedi ar gynnydd y teulu. · Mynychu Cyfarfodydd Cynllunio Cyfreithiol mewn rôl cynghori. · Gweithio mewn cydweithrediad gyda’r Rheolwr Tîm gwaith cymdeithasol ar bob adeg o ran pa achosion llys a gynhelir. · Trafod gyda CAFCASS o ran unrhyw bryderon sydd ganddynt o bosibl am gynnal achosion llys ym Mhowys. · Sicrhau fod yr holl wasanaethau yn cael eu cyflwyno o fewn fframwaith Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth ac arfer Gwrth-wahaniaethol gan ystyried safbwyntiau’r defnyddwyr gwasanaeth. Cynnal datblygiad proffesiynol - Dangos Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus gan gynnwys cyflawni gofynion Cyngor Gofal Cymru er mwyn sicrhau cofrestriad parhaus fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol. - Sicrhau fod y Cofrestriad fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol dan Ofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn parhau yn gyfredol ac yn ddiweddar. - Rhannu sgiliau a gwybodaeth â chydweithwyr sy’n arbenigwyr mewn meysydd eraill. - Corfforaethol 4. Meddu ar y gallu i ynganu enwau personol ac enwau lleoedd Cymraeg yn gywir a gallu rhoi / ymateb i gyfarchion sylfaenol dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb, neu fod yn barod i ddysgu o fewn cyfnod rhesymol. 5. Cymryd gofal rhesymol dros iechyd a diogelwch eich hunan ac unigolion eraill a all gael eu heffeithio gan achosion ohonoch yn esgeuluso hyn a chydymffurfio â’r holl ddeddfwriaeth iechyd a diogelwch fel sy’n briodol. 6. Oherwydd natur y gwaith sydd ynghlwm â’r swydd, bydd y swydd rydych yn ymgeisio amdani yn dod o dan y Gorchymyn Deddf Adsefydlu Tramgwyddwyr 1974 (Eithriadau) 1975 (fel y’i diwygiwyd yn 2013). Mae gan y swydd hon ofyniad am Wiriad Manylach y DBS. Mae’r swydd hon yn cael ei chyfri’n weithgaredd rheoleiddiedig dan Ddeddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006 fel y’i diwygiwyd gan Ddeddf Diogelu Rhyddidau 2012, a bydd yn destun gwirio rhestr o’r bobl hynny sydd wedi’u gwahardd rhag gweithio gyda phlant. Lluniwyd gan: Cath Hogan Dyddiad: Tachwedd 2018 CYNGOR SIR POWYS COUNTY COUNCIL MANYLION PERSONOL Teitl y Swydd: Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol – Arbenigwr Llys Rhif y Swydd: Cyfarwyddiaeth: Pobl Is-adran/Uned: Gwasanaethau Plant Nodweddion Hanfodol Dymunol Dynodwyd (ticiwch fel yn briodol) Ffurflen Gais Cyfweliad Prawf Ymarfer Profiad · Profiad ar ôl cymhwyso. · Profiad o gynnal asesiadau o anghenion a nodi’r risgiau. · Profiad helaeth o gynnal asesiadau o anghenion a dynodi risgiau. · Profiad a gwybodaeth helaeth am y meysydd Amddiffyn Plant, Plant mewn Gofal, Llysoedd ac ysgrifennu/paratoi papurau llys · Profiad blaenorol o fynychu achosion llys · Y gallu i gasglu gwybodaeth rheoli · Profiad o fentora a chefnogi staff llai profiadol · Profiad o ysgrifennu adroddiadau cynhwysfawr H H H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gwybodaeth · Dealltwriaeth o anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaeth. · Gwybodaeth am ddeddfwriaeth, cyfarwyddyd cenedlaethol ac arfer gorau presennol sy’n berthnasol i’r swydd. · Gwybodaeth am anghenion gofal cymdeithasol plant a theuluoedd. · Dealltwriaeth ddiweddar o’r agenda presennol o fewn diogelu plant. · Arddangos dealltwriaeth o sicrhau ansawdd · Gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth helaeth am brosesau cyfreithiol a phrosesau llysoedd H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X Cymwysterau a Hyfforddiant · Cymhwyster gwaith cymdeithasol priodol (h.y. Gradd mewn Gwaith Cymdeithasol, DipSW neu gymhwyster tebyg). · Wedi cofrestru fel Gweithiwr Cymdeithasol gyda CCW/HCPC. · Ymrwymiad i gyflawni unrhyw gymhwyster sy’n berthnasol i’r swydd. · Hyfforddiant sgiliau llys H H H H X X X X X X X X Rhinweddau Personol · Y gallu i weithio ar liwt eich hunan o fewn lleoliad gwaith sydd â llawer iawn o bwysau · Ymroddiad tuag at ddatblygu arfer a gwasanaethau sy’n hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb · Gweithiwr proffesiynol cymhellgar a brwdfrydig sy’n ymroddedig tuag at wella deilliannau i blant a phobl ifanc · Ystyried Plant mewn Gofal fel plant eich hunan a hyrwyddo eu trin yn gyfartal a’u cynhwysiant cymdeithasol ar bob adeg · Ymroddiad tuag at ddatblygiad proffesiynol parhaus · Y gallu i alluogi staff i deimlo’n fwy hyderus o ran gallu eu hunain H H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X Gofynion Cyfreithiol · Mae’r swydd hon yn gofyn am Wiriad DBS Manylach H Sgiliau · Sgiliau cyfathrebu gwych, ar lafar ac yn ysgrifenedig. · Sgiliau TG da. · Y gallu i gynnig hyfforddiant a briffio i staff · Y gallu i drefnu, blaenoriaethu a rheoli llwyth gwaith eich hunan. · Y gallu i arddangos ymroddiad tuag at gydraddoldeb ac arfer gwrth-wahaniaethol. · Y gallu i weithio ar liwt eich hunan · Angen gallu gwneud nifer o dasgau ar yr un pryd · Meddu ar y gallu i ddiwallu amserlenni tynn · Ymroddiad tuag at yr egwyddor o gyfrinachedd. · Rhaid cael gwybodaeth ac ymroddiad tuag at egwyddorion gofal cymdeithasol fel sydd wedi’i sefydlu o fewn y ddeddfwriaeth berthnasol. H H H H H H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gofynion eraill · Trwydded yrru gyfredol a’r gallu i deithio’n helaeth o amgylch y sir. H X X Dylai ymgeiswyr fod yn gallu ynganu enwau personol ac enwau lleoedd Cymraeg yn gywir a gallu rhoi / ymateb i gyfarchion sylfaenol dros y ffôn neu wyneb yn wyneb, neu fod yn barod i ddysgu o fewn cyfnod rhesymol. Dyddiad Llunio: Hydref 2018 Lluniwyd gan: Cath Hogan