We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic PPA/Cover Teacher to join our hardworking and supportive team at St Mary’s Catholic Primary.
St Mary's is a successful and happy school, combining a caring Catholic ethos with enthusiastic learners. Children's behaviour is outstanding due to our commitment to high expectations and a positive approach to learning.
This role would suit a teacher who holds QTS or an HLTA who would be employed to cover classes across the primary range for three days per week.
You will work in a warm, friendly and caring environment, playing an essential role in our school to help our children achieve their best.
You will work collaboratively with the class teacher of the classes that you are covering regarding planning, delivery, and marking. Time will be given for the suitable candidate to have their own planning time either in school or paid at home.
Regardless of experience or qualification, the successful candidate will have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the curriculum and children’s learning, with the ability to use this appropriately in lessons.