Teacher of Chemistry
Permanent Full Time from 1st September 2025
Salary: MPS or UPS
Closing date: 8am Wednesday, 2 April 2025 (we reserve the right to interview suitably qualified candidates prior to the closing date; early applications are encouraged)
Interviews: TBC
Are you passionate about educating young people about science? If so, why not join our high performing dedicated and hardworking Science Department? The Governors of Pershore High School wish to appoint an engaging and enthusiastic teacher of Science for 1st September 2025. The Science department is located together in an eleven-lab science building complete with three prep rooms and a staff workroom, all staff are provided with a laptop. The successful candidate will join the school at a very exciting time in its development as we continue to expand.
We currently have 1136 students on roll in Years 7-13 of which 200 are on the SEND Register, 30 of whom have EHCPs. This includes 12 students who are part of our Mainstream Autism Base (MAB). In addition, 16% of students are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant. Our friendly school is steadily growing, and student numbers are predicted to rise further in the next few years. We have been awarded a £25 million expansion and rebuilding project starting in spring 2025 which will significantly enhance our facilities.
Pershore High School is a great place to work, our students are friendly and behave well; visitors frequently comment on the calm and purposeful atmosphere that pervades our school.
Pershore High School takes safeguarding children very seriously and the successful applicant will be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure via the DBS. All applications must be made on the PHS application form - NO CVs please.
For further details please telephone 01386 552471 ext 233 or e-mail: personnel@pershore.worcs.sch.uk
or see ‘vacancies’ on PHS website Potential candidates are encouraged to arrange a visit to our school and this will be accommodated, where possible.