A large part of this will be creating manuals and keeping them up to date with the latest information about the equipment. To do this you will be frequently liaising with multiple departments, including Design, Controls, Manufacturing, Sales, Technical Support &Service to generate a thorough and accurate manual that is updated as the machines are tested and developed.
Another key part of the role will be putting together drawing packs for the production team with clear information on how to assemble the machines.
Creating and maintaining technical manuals with all the relevant information, including (but not limited to): assembly drawings, controls screens, schematics, bill of parts, spares lists & operating instructions
Assisting production with minor assembly queries
Photographing and videoing machines where required for both record keeping and to assist re-assembly of machines after transportation
Collating electronic drawing folders with individual part drawings to give to the purchasing department when an assembly is issued
It is expected that you will have a background in technical writing, ideally within a manufacturing/engineering business. You will have had some exposure to CAD systems, ERP/MRP systems, and be a proficient user of the MS suite of products.