Ad Vitam Paramus - Preparing for Life. We create a learning environment that nurtures, inspires and challenges, preparing everyone for life in a global society.', The Groundsperson will be responsible for
* To be responsible for the effective maintenance and upkeep of a school's grounds, including the
ensuring the highest standards of Sports Pitches, Ancient Woodland & Lake. maintenance, upkeep and appearance of the grounds whilst adhering to health and safety
* Undertake routine preparation and maintenance work on a range of sports facilities and surfaces
regulations. This is a varied and interesting ensuring pitches are cut and marked out ready for sporting fixtures. role which will involve working mainly
* Undertake all preparatory and cultivation work to maintain safe quality playing surfaces.
outdoors in all weathers. In addition to
* Undertake minor construction and landscaping work under guidance.
following duties:
* Drive vehicles and operate equipment as required for grounds maintenance operations.
Job Title: Groundsperson
* Ensure vehicles and equipment used is serviceable and regularly maintained in accordance with
Reporting to: Head of Facilities & Estates routine operating requirements. Monitor the use of consumable items and spares and plan for their replenishment.
General Requirements adaptable approach to work
* A full, clean driving licence (essential) A reliable member of the team,
punctual, considerate and supportive
* City and Guilds level 2 certificate in tractor Ability to work independently as well
driving and related operations (desirable) as working as part of the team
* City and Guilds level 2 certificate in Physically fit to meet the demands of
chainsaw maintenance and cross cutting the job (desirable)
* City and Guilds level 2 award in the safe A willingness to learn new skills and
handling and application of pesticides using take on new tasks. handheld equipment (desirable)
* Attention to detail and takes pride in
* Proven experience working across both their work
grounds and gardens roles in a large or
* Ability to maintain work well with
similar organisation colleagues at all levels
* Highest standards of safeguarding
* Empathy to deal sensitively with
parents, children and staff.
* Enthusiasm and a good sense of
Sherfield is proud to have joined Education in Motion (EiM) in September The EiM story began in 2003, when 2023. parents Fraser White and Karen Yung began looking for a school in Shanghai EiM is a global education company that would provide for their three young that aspires to be a leader in children. They wanted a challenging and pioneering education for a sustainable ambitious education that would prepare future. With a diverse family of their children for the future, moulding them premier education brands around the into confident and well-rounded young world, the group is known for its people who could make a difference in the holistic programmes that balance world. However, their search came up wellbeing, character development and short. A serendipitous meeting with academic success. Graham Able, the then Master of Dulwich EiM aspires to be the global leader in College in London, resulted in the idea of pioneering education for a sustainable opening an international Dulwich College future. Its family of mission-aligned in Shanghai, the first Education in Motion schools is committed to create meaningful school. Today, Education in Motion is change for our world by empowering a growing family of premier education communities through innovative brands, nurturing more than 11,000 education. Students 'Graduate Worldwise', students to 'Live Worldwise'. with the skills and experience to make a For more information about EiM, please positive difference in the world. visit: As part of a larger network, the Sherfield community is provided an invaluable source of support. Not only does this growing network provide parents with choice as their careers take them to new places, but it also enables students and staff across the network to share best practice and provides opportunities for exchange for both students and teachers.
Sherfield School is an outstanding, all-round academic, active and creative schoolwhere students thrive and flourish as they experience the excitement andenjoyment of learning.As an independent, co-educational day andboarding school set in North Hampshire,Sherfield provides a wonderful learningenvironment for students from 3 months to18 years within exquisite park and woodlandsurrounding a listed heritage building. It hasan excellent academic record, superbfacilities and a wonderful ethos.Through a rich variety of experiences,students at Sherfield become passionateand creative problem solvers, ready tocontribute to a global society. Asambitious, enterprising, inventive andinnovative young minds, they develop theconfidence, resilience and resourcefulnessto be successful in tackling the challengeslife presents to them. Through academicrigour and a supportive environment, theygrow strong, self-assured and motivated byeach Sherfield experience., EnrichmentWe believe in providing a holistic educationthat goes beyond the classroom.Our pathway programme begins in Year 5 anddevelops the "soft skills" employers anduniversities look for while allowing students todiscover their interests and passions.The programme takes place on Fridayafternoons for those in Year 7 and Mondayafternoons for those in Years 5 and 6,providing a dedicated time for students toengage in activities that foster growth,learning, and character development. Thisprogramme is structured around wellestablishedand highly valued awards, ensuringstudents gain recognition for their efforts andachievements.Our Pathway Options include:
* Performing Arts
* Sports Coaching and Performance
* Live Worldwise
* Business and Enterprise
* Literary Society
* Environment and Sustainability
Pathways are introduced in early September,and pupils can select their top three choices.We proudly incorporate the Duke ofEdinburgh (DofE) Award into our Year 9 and10 enrichment programme. This prestigiousaward promotes resilience, leadership, andcommunity involvement, which are corevalues we uphold at Sherfield School.In Year 11, students follow the FuturesProgramme, which prepares them for theirnext academic steps and careers beyondSherfield School.Candidate Brief GroundspersonAs a school community, Sherfieldchallenge, inspire and support each other asthey create and imagine the students' bestfutures.The school community knows and caresfor each other and foster an environmentwhere students and staff feel supportedwhilst building strong and ambitiousfutures. Together they build a powerfulculture of creativity that is withoutboundaries. Sherfield pupils are criticalthinkers who challenge ideas, pave newpaths and encourage inventivenesswhenever possible.The school prides itself in their closerelationship with parents and place greatvalue on individual contact. Friendliness andwillingness to listen are the starting pointsfor effective collaboration which you willfind embedded in the school's culture., Teaching and Learning Sherfield follows the national curriculum up Aims to year 8, the students then study a range of Sherfield aims to teach each student using GCSE subjects for two years, and in their the most effective methods possible, by final two years of education, are offered a providing expertise and resources to wide variation of A-level and BTEC teachers, parents and pupils and through subjects. regular and rigorous monitoring and Subjects range from traditional academic evaluation of teaching and learning against subjects, such as Economics, Geography, student progress and achievement. and the Sciences, to more practical subjects, The School aims to teach every student such as Drama and Theatre Studies, Music, how to learn so that they become fast, and Product Design. There is also an option independent, confident, and self-motivated for A-level students to undertake the lifelong students by: Extended Project Qualifications (EPQ).
* Teaching students how to self-evaluate
Teaching and Learning at Sherfield is and set/work towards targets. excellent and based upon core values of
* Providing or guiding independent
confidence, creativity and connection, access to learning resources. developing exceptional experiences for Sherfield aims to treat each person as a students through a framework of challenge, successful student by: ownership, dialogue and engagement. Recognising effort and achievements.
* Sherfield believes that teachers have the
* Providing appropriate feedback that
greatest influence upon the learning and always shows the next steps. progress of students and therefore as a team they strive for the best. Teachers provide a positive and inclusive learning environment and experience for all pupils. At Sherfield, the teachers strongly believe in the principles of preparing students for life. 5 Pastoral and boarding Sherfield offers full boarding, weekly and flexi boarding options for nine to 18 year olds. The school operates a shuttle service for weekly boarders to and from Basingstoke railway station, which offers direct trains to London Waterloo every 15 minutes and a journey time of only 47 minutes. Allowing students to enjoy the beautiful countryside location during the week and the city at weekends. Sherfield places great emphasis on empathy, motivation and social and cultural awareness and pupil wellbeing is at the heart of Sherfield from its youngest to most senior students. Learning is tailored to every child's talents and needs and children are given individualised support, made possible by smaller class sizes. Sherfield staff aim to ensure each child achieves their full academic and personal potential in a nurturing environment as they progress through school. Teachers and tutors see the importance in parent cooperation and maintain close relationships with parents throughout each child's entire time at school. 6 Sports and Activities Sherfield has a long list of inclusive clubs, planned after school programmes and competitive teams that pupils can take part in, whatever their interests. Every term there are updated programmes of music, languages, sports and hobbies available to all pupils throughout the school so they can pursue a passion or extend their learning. Children can choose from an enormous list of wonderful extracurricular activities, ranging from horse riding and fencing to origami. 7 Candidate Brief Groundsperson The Arts Drama: The Drama Department at Sherfield is an exciting and fun place to experiment and explore ideas, theatrical styles and the possibilities of performance and production. Much of what the school does is pupil-led which results in fresh, creative, and original theatre. Music: Music plays an important role throughout Sherfield School, whether pupils are learning as part of their day-today curriculum or whether they take up instruments or join in with the many choirs, bands, orchestras and groups. All pupils in the Junior-Prep and Senior-Prep take part in choir which encourages the children to have confidence in themselves from day one. Creative: Pupils are exposed to a wide variety of media, processes and techniques starting in the Nursery and, at later stages, are given the opportunity to work on a large scale in the open plan art studio complex., Contract: Permanent, Full time, all year
* Ensure the safe use, storage, calibration and disposal of pesticides and other similar substances In
round accordance with COSSH regulations.
* Make recommendations to the Head of Facilities & Estates regarding improved work systems,
Hours: 37.5 hours per week, 52 weeks a labour and machinery utilisation. year.
* Maintain good communications with staff and end users.
Salary: £20,000 - £22,000 per annum,
* Remove rugby and football posts at the end of the Spring term and mark out the sports field for
depending on experience. the athletics season. This will incorporate a 400m running track. Additional Benefits
* Rake over and top up the sand in the long jump and triple jump landing pits and mark out run up
lines. and Information
* Set up, prepare, and assist in the junior and senior sports days.
* Competitive Salary Conduct low level pruning of trees and advise the Head of Facilities & Estates of any trees which
are a cause for concern.
* Complementary m eals are provided free of The trimming of all hedges in the school grounds outside of bird nesting season.
charge when on duty and when the school's kitchen is open during school
* Clear fallen leaves from grass areas and pathways during the Autumn term
holiday periods
* Clear leaves from tennis courts prior to sports fixtures.
* Contributory Pension Scheme Assist in gritting of the site during the winter months and snow clearance if necessary.
* Annual holiday entitlement of 25 days plus
statutory bank holidays
* Assist with site security, ensuring unknown persons are challenged if on the school site.
* Free parking on site Assist site staff during school open mornings
* Carry out other duties as reasonably required or requested., and it encourages and leverages these We hold ourselves to a high standard of
differences to make our work more relevant effective recruiting practices with specificand approachable. Education in Motion will attention to child protection, and applicantsnot discriminate or tolerate discriminatory must be willing to undergo child protectionbehaviour on any grounds such as, but not screening appropriate to the post, includinglimited to, race, gender, disability, nationality,checks with past employers and thenational or ethnic origin, religion or belief,Disclosure and Barring Service.marital/partnership or family status, sexualQualifications, Identification,orientation, age or socioeconomic background.Education in Motion strives to be an inclusiveHealth and Background Checksworkplace where everyone feels a sense of Please note that you may be required to submitbelonging, has a voice, can raise concerns, anddocumentation providing proof of your identityfeels comfortable and confident. We expect and qualifications as part of Education ineveryone who works within to share this Motion's safeguarding procedures. You maycommitment and to act accordingly, as we also be required, if an offer is to be made, toaspire to best serve the Education in Motionundergo a pre-placement medical assessmentmission and the community. and relevant background checks as part of the school's recruitment andSafer Recruitment Practice safeguarding procedures.Education in Motion is committed tosafeguarding and promoting the welfare ofchildren and expects all applicants to share thesame. We follow safer recruitment practiceswhich are aligned to the recommendations ofthe International Task Force on ChildProtection.