Title: Service Manager - High Wycombe
We are a charity organisation who provide advice and support to adults. Working in a way that recognises and values diversity, understands the functional model of substance misuse, the Recovery Agenda and problems caused by alcohol and drug misuse.
Accountability for the performance, development and day to day management of the Aquarius service in this area, ensuring line management and clinical supervision for staff and if necessary, holding a small client caseload. External representation of the service and the organisation and a member of the Aquarius management team.
Service Management and Development
Manages the achievement of performance targets, compliance with service level agreements and the effective delivery of services.
Compiles and analyses service performance data and supplies with appropriate reports to the Area Manager in accordance with specified deadlines.
Ensures functionality of management reporting structures such that services operate effectively without micro management and/or in the absence of the post holder.
Ensure service aims, objectives and business plans are in place and that these are reflected in individual workplans
Identifies service gaps and areas of underperformance and ensures that these shortcomings are rectified promptly.
Identifies opportunities for business development that are consistent with the strategic objectives of the organisation and uses professional contacts/networks to exploit these (to the benefit of Aquarius).
Manages the application of IT facilities ensuring that the service benefits from the best available data recording and communication systems.
Takes a major role in the negotiation of contract renewals with commissioners and funders and achieves outcomes beneficial to the organisation.
Project manages the implementation of new services, funding and business initiatives to achieve goals and objectives to specified deadlines.
Ensures Senior Practitioners are appropriately supported in the development of clinical/professional practice.
Liaises with commissioners, other key stakeholders and service users to develop local strategies; ensure that services are responsive and compliant to local, established and emerging needs.
Works in partnership with commissioners, acting as the day to day lead for the service in financial, operational and practice matters.
Participates in service reviews and provides written service reports.
Ensures accurate and appropriate case recording as well as the professional maintenance of records and statistics as required for commissioners, other agencies, clients and internal purposes/management reports.
Ensure services are appropriately promoted externally and that partnerships between Aquarius, voluntary and statutory agencies are established and the benefits maximised.
Manages all aspects of the service within established budgets and financial targets.
Ensures compliance with all policies, procedures and legislative requirements.
Ensures the development, monitoring and reporting of quality standards and systems are in place eg data collection, client satisfaction, annual service reviews, ISO 9001, IIP.
Ensures the management of risk within the service, the adherence to health and safety legislation and policy and the maintenance of the premises and any equipment.