The major part of training & service consists of assisting in the day to day management of patients within the Critical Care areas, resuscitation, establishing and performing cardiovascular and respiratory (and other organ system) monitoring and support, prescribing drugs and nutrition on a daily basis and keeping regular medical notes on up to 32 ICU patients. The post holder will be expected to perform procedures (under the appropriate level of supervision). The postholder will spend a proportion of their day time duties providing day to day clinical management in the Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU), in consultation with the various medical and surgical teams. The post offers unrivalled experience for any doctor who wishes to gain familiarity with intensive care and the post-operative management of major surgical problems, i.e. ideal for physicians, surgeons and anaesthetists. The post also offers exposure to HFOV, critical care echocardiography and critical care ultrasound.The postholder will be expected to provide support to more junior team members (F1 doctors and medical students) and supervise as well as teach those more junior trainees within the directorate. There are daily consultant rounds, 3 infection teaching rounds per week, one radiology teaching session per week and a protected daily teaching programme held weekly within the Directorate of Intensive Care.