To raise voluntary income from a range of Grantmakers including Trusts, Foundations and local Government grant funders contributing to an overall team target of £1-million. Working effectively within the team unit and across the organisation you will meet individual targets through building excellent relationships with funders, leading to more young people reached by Eikon’s services.
Income generation
· Raise voluntary unrestricted and restricted income through submission of high-quality proposals (60% of time)
· Lead on developing the portfolio of funders, joining external networks, seeking out leads from internal staff/ trustees and developing intelligence on potential funders.
· Provide support as requested for significant strategic opportunities to support the Grants & Partnerships Lead.
· Develop an effective approach for raising unrestricting income.
· Work to agreed metrices including an annual target of £120,000-£150,000/year (exact target will be dependent on working hours agreed and level of experience), a set number of bids and reports submitted monthly, number of multi-year commitments and lifetime value of grants (to be agreed).
Target Audience:
Portfolio to include Surrey and Regional based funders including trusts, foundations and local government grant funders. Some of these will be existing, and some to be identified.
Account Management:
· Provide excellent account management to grant funders.
· Optimise funding potential and retention of funders through quality and timely reports, regular communication including meetings, and through building excellent relationships.
· Thinking creatively, working with colleagues organise own events/opportunities to increase engagement of funders e.g. project visit, garden open day
· Identify other funding opportunities through relationships, for example for Major Donors, Corporate partnerships and Individual Givers.
· Lead on administration for all designated grants including thank you letters, updating Donorfy and sharing info/updates across the team (comprising approximately 15% of the time).
Internal Reporting:
· Manage accurate and up to date pipeline information on Donorfy, being able to pull reports for information and analysis including:
o Provision of data and narrative for monthly team meetings
o Contribution to Board reporting with narrative and pipeline information
o Analysis for annual planning sessions
Quality and standards:
· Ensure all staff and volunteers understand and deliver within Eikon’s safeguarding policies and practices when taking part in fundraising activities.
· Ensure all activities follow the relevant Fundraising Codes of Practice and Eikon’s Ethical Fundraising Policy.
· Prepare relevant Grant Agreements and contractual information.
· Carry out risk assessments for all activities for which you are responsible.
· Carry out required basic due diligence on new funders.
Finance and resources:
· Operate within organisational approved budgets, policies and procedures.
Communications and relationships:
· Support and liaise with the Marketing Communications Coordinator to deliver relevant and effective content and materials.
· Proactively increase social media activity through provision of content and encouragement of funders to engage.
Strategy/transformation work:
· Contribute to Engagement and Services Team’s annual plans and budgets and the Grants high level strategy.
· Provide coordination and organisation of internal team planning meetings and workshop, including timings, agenda items and preparation of meeting/workshop materials.
Organisational requirements:
· Work within Eikon’s equal opportunities, health & safety, and safeguarding policies at all times
· Understand and act when safeguarding issues need to be escalated
· Working hybrid, with the New Haw office as the designated place of work. Expectation to be office based 1-2 days per week with availability to attend regular external meetings across Surrey. Some may fall outside working hours and on weekends
· Work co-operatively and under the management of The Eikon Charity staff to ensure the highest quality of delivery and support
· Work within Eikon’s internal policies, safeguarding and data protection regulations
· Be responsible for equipment/resources
· To promote, monitor and maintain health, safety and security in the working environment