A vacancy has arisen for a highly skilled and motivated Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officer to join the extended pastoral support team here at Queen Elizabeth’s High School from 1 February 2025 (or as soon thereafter).
The role of Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officer (SWO) is key to developing, supporting and promoting an effective safeguarding culture across the school. The SWO will provide a comprehensive school counselling service focussed on the mental health and wellbeing of all students, including those considered at risk and those with additional needs. Accordingly, the SWO will have responsibility for supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of students as the Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) and will employ and develop a range of interventions to encourage confidence, independence, reflection and resilience amongst students whilst supporting them with individual needs.
The SWO will be an integral member of the school’s wider Safeguarding Team and in their capacity as a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) will support the Designated Safeguarding Lead/Child Protection Officer in actively promoting a genuine culture of safeguarding and will play a central role in supporting all other staff in dealing with any safeguarding and child protection matters arising at the school.
The SWO will be well placed to work alongside members of the wider pastoral support team (including Heads of Year, SENDCO, Attendance & Welfare Officer and members of the Leadership Team) to contribute to the application of a range of positive intervention strategies with the common aim of best supporting students and their families in partnership with school to enhance learning, wellbeing and attendance outcomes. The bespoke and tailored strategies deployed will represent a range of both proactive and creative measures involving external agencies and multi-professional support as appropriate. Fundamentally, the SWO will be expected to have a reflective, responsive and resilient outlook in the face of a broad range of child welfare and child protection scenarios.
We believe that QEHS is a great place to work. Please read the information in this booklet, the relevant and have a look at our website. Should you wish to apply, application details are available on our school website ( or by emailing a request to recruitment@qehs.lincs.sch.uk.
A letter of application is required to accompany the formal application form. This letter must be limited to one side of A4 paper and is an opportunity for you to explain how you believe your own experience equips you for the post and for you to outline how you would approach this role at QEHS.
Completed applications should be submitted by email to recruitment@qehs.lincs.sch.uk by 08.00am on 03 February 2025. We will contact your referees for a reference before the interviews and, for shortlisted candidates, the references will be taken into account in deliberations at the conclusion of the final panel interviews. Interviews will be held week commencing 10 February 2025.