Outpatient Clinics: New there are already established general surgery clinics at WCH. Other community locations in North Cumbria are potentially suitable for expansion of clinics closer to our communities The Directory of Service (DOS) on NHS Choose and Book will be defined once the successful candidate has been recruited to ensure it fits with their skill base. Review patients will return for clinical review if appropriate and with use of remote / telephone clinics as appropriate. Elective General Surgery: The surgeon will have weekly access to operating lists at West Cumberland hospital when not on call. Routine procedures will include laparoscopic and open hernia repairs, abdominal wall hernia repairs (primary and incisional), laparoscopic cholecystectomy including a Cepod list for urgent cases. In addition specialist coloproctology cases and specialist upper GI cases may be suitable for an appropriately experienced surgeon. Endoscopy: The surgeon will have access to regular endoscopy lists in upper or lower GI procedures depending on their experience. Support may be offered for further training with a view to achieving JAG accreditation Emergency Surgery: WCH To join the existing team providing senior surgical cover for assessment and management of General surgical emergencies at West Cumberland Hospital. This may involve admitting stable patients under their care at WCH or transferring patients who may need escalation of treatment to Carlisle. Simple emergency procedures such as appendicectomy, cholecystectomy or drainage of abscesses may be performed at WCH if circumstances allow In addition the surgeon may be expected to offer advice or surgical intervention for other specialities ( Gynaecology and Urology) if called to attend cases in the operating theatre during the day. CIC To support the current Consultant on call rota for defined periods over the course of the annual rota. This will involve acting as the Consultant of the Week (Mon-Thur) on a 1 in 24 basis, Consultant of the Weekend ( Fri-Sun )on a 1 in 24 basis and Consultant Nights (Mon-Thur) on a 1 in 24 basis. There is a requirement to be within 30 minutes of the CIC site whilst on nights and weekend on call, this can be accommodated within an on call room if necessary. Please see attached Job Description