Crawley Scouts Youth Member Joining Enquiry
If you would like your child to join a scout group/unit within Crawley, please enter your, and your child’s, details in the form below. Your details will be stored in Online Scout Manager, which we use to manage youth members across the District.
Please be aware that, by entering your details below, you are permitting Crawley District Scout Council to store and share the information supplied (with Scout Groups within Crawley) in order to assist in finding your child a place.
Scouting in Crawley is entirely volunteer led, with thousands of hours donated weekly by over 400 adult volunteers. Please consider joining us.
What is your primary group/unit preference? (Required) Select an Option
What is your secondary group/unit preference? (Required) Select an Option
Street Number & Name, Neighbourhood, Town, County, Post Code
Is the young person part of another scout group already – if so which one? (Required) Select an Option
If your nearest group is full, would you be willing to travel across Crawley to another group? (Required) Select an Option
Scouting relies on volunteers to operate. Are you able to give a little time to support the group as a volunteer? (Required) Select an Option
By using this form, you agree with the storage and handling of your data by Crawley District Scout Council and its subsidiary groups for the purpose of applying for a youth membership place.