Heathfield Primary School
Henniker Road, Bolton BL3 3TP
Telephone: 01204 333595
Email: office@heathfield.bolton.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr. M. D Thornley BSC (Hons)
T4 T9 depending on experience + TLR 2C
The Governors at Heathfield Primary School would like to appoint a highly effective, dedicated and enthusiastic Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.
We are looking for SENDCO who:
* Is an excellent primary practitioner with the commitment and motivation to inspire children’s learning and development, who has a particular interest in and knowledge of the needs of children with SEND.
* At least 4 years teaching experience.
* Gives the highest priority to children with SEND, ensuring they access a broad and balanced curriculum and receive high-quality education.
* Ensures all Heathfield staff provide excellent and inclusive quality first teaching, including modelling effective practice and providing CPD.
* Has the vision, passion and enthusiasm to motivate and inspire children and staff to reach their full potential.
* Ensures that SEND children benefit from the highest standard of teaching.
* Prioritises inclusivity.
* Line manages teaching assistants and our Learning Mentor.
* Manages interventions across school including measuring impact.
* Carries out Early Help Assessments as part of our graduated approach.
* Has a willingness to work as part of a team, with excellent organisational skills, in a fast-paced environment.
* Promotes effective engagement with parents and the wider community.
* Plays a full part in the wider life of school including providing an after-school club for SEND children (and others).
* Has excellent safeguarding knowledge and is already a trained Designated Safeguarding lead or willing to take part in training to become a deputy Designated Safeguarding lead.
* Holds the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCO), already working towards the SENCO qualification or be willing to do the qualification.
* Although the role is non-class based, there will be two afternoons (4 hours) in class (Year 5 initially).
In joining the Heathfield family we can offer you:
* A hard-working, committed and talented staff team.
* A supportive governing board.
* A supportive, forward-thinking leadership team committed to raising standards and providing a broad and balanced curriculum for all children.
* Motivated, enthusiastic and well-behaved children with supportive parents.
* Excellent CPD to further your professional development.
* An excellent opportunity to further enhance and develop the future of Heathfield.
If you have any further questions, please email recruitment@heathfield.bolton.sch.uk.
Tours of the school are welcome and encouraged. Please email recruitment@heathfield.bolton.sch.uk to book a place.
Applications for this post should be made using the Bolton application form and include a supporting letter on not more than two sides of A4, font size 12, which outlines your suitability for the post against the information in this advert and the job description. These must be received in school by 9am on the closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for shortlisting.
Candidate tour of the school: Friday 8th November 3:45pm and Wednesday 13th November 8:00am.
Closing date: 9am on Monday 18th November.
Short listing: Tuesday 19th November.
Recruitment Process: Lesson observation in own setting and interview Week beginning: Monday 25th November.
Applications should be returned by email to recruitment@heathfield.bolton.sch.uk or in hard copy addressed:
CONFIDENTIAL: For the attention of the Headteacher and sent to Heathfield Primary School, Henniker Road, Bolton, BL3 3TP.
Heathfield CP School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).