The post involves: attendance at deliveries both in theatre and on labour ward, as required. postnatal baby checks and neonatal reviews of babies on the postnatal ward. For example, jaundiced infants, poor feeding, infants on antibiotics, infants with congenital malformations. Working on the neonatal unit: consultant/registrar led ward rounds, responsibilities for admitting patients, patient reviews, bloods and cannulation etc. Active participation in neonatal grand round, teaching and morbidity & mortality meetings. The post provides training in neonatal medicine. We do not expect any prior experience of Neonatal medicine, and you will receive induction on starting the post. This would suit an applicant interested in a career in Paediatrics, Paediatric Surgery or obstetrics & Gynaecology. If the applicant has an interest in continuing a career in Paediatrics, then there may be an option to extend for a further six months in Paediatrics.