To provide a complementary service to teachers and staff in the academy, addressing the needs of children and families who need help to overcome barriers to learning both inside and outside school in order to achieve their full potential and enable school to raise standards of achievement, improve attendance and raise standards of behaviour.
The appointee will be line managed by the Head of School or a senior leader where necessary.
1. Advise the school on strategies to promote the regular and punctual attendance of all pupils and assist with the implementation of the strategies.
2. Meet with school staff, external agencies and parents/carers to identify individual barriers and possible solutions.
3. Make unsupervised contact with families in response to allocated referrals or unexplained non-attendance i.e. home visits and/or meetings in school.
4. Establish the reason for non-attendance, make assessments and agree a plan for facilitating a return to school using appropriate strategies within specified timescales.
5. Initiate appropriate legal action with the Education Welfare Service (EWS) to ensure the school is carrying out its statutory responsibility in respect of pupils, including preparing statements and attending meetings.
6. Liaise and work with other members of EWS as well as other professionals in police, Social Services, Housing, Health and any other statutory and voluntary organisations.
7. Support pastoral staff and senior leaders in advising the school on all matters relating to attendance and where necessary take the lead role in developing work processes to improve school attendance.
8. Work on initiatives/reward systems which raise the awareness of school staff, parents and the community on the importance of school attendance and punctuality.
1. Liaise with school staff and agencies to identify pupils at risk of disaffection or lack of parental support.
2. Recommend and develop strategies within the school intended to improve the learning behaviours of particular pupils.
3. Respond to requests from staff for support with pupils displaying challenging behaviours.
4. Work with identified children during the school day on a 1:1 or small group basis providing interventions i.e. nurture support, mental health support.
5. Have knowledge and appreciation of the range of activities, courses, organisations and individuals that could be accessed and drawn upon to provide further support for pupils.
6. Jointly organise, implement, monitor and evaluate projects involving families and report to the headteacher on the impact of these.
7. Keep up to date records about particular incidents in compliance with the Data protection act whilst maintaining confidentiality at all times.
8. Develop positive home-school relationships, acting as a link between home and school.
9. Support the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy DSLs in ensuring the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy is audited, reviewed and updated as required.
10. Assist the DSL/DDSLs with managing referrals to external agencies e.g. school nurse, Early Help, children’s social-care services and the police.
11. Be a central point of contact for key internal and external individuals and agencies.
12. Represent the organisation at external meetings related to safeguarding where necessary.
13. Ensure during pupil transition that safeguarding and welfare information is transferred and relevant information is shared with staff within the guidelines of data protection.
To maintain confidentiality at all times in respect of school-related matters and to prevent disclosure of confidential and sensitive information.
1. Build a school culture and curriculum which takes account of the Church Foundation and the richness and diversity of the school’s communities.
2. Create and promote positive strategies for challenging harassment of any kind.
3. Ensure learning experiences for pupils are linked into and integrated with the wider community, the local church and diocesan communities.
4. Ensure a range of community-based learning experiences, including building links with local churches and Coventry Diocese.
5. Collaborate with other agencies in providing for the academic, spiritual, moral, social, emotional and cultural well-being of pupils and their families.
6. Create and maintain an effective partnership with parents and carers, to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development.
7. Build bridges with the school’s diverse communities, seeking opportunities to invite the whole range of parents and carers, community figures, businesses or other organisations into the school.
8. Contribute to the development of the education system by sharing effective practice, working in partnership with other schools and promoting innovative initiatives.
9. Co-operate and work with relevant agencies to protect children.