Clinically examine and assess patient needs from a physiological and psychological perspective, and plan clinical care accordingly. Assess, diagnosis, plan, implement and evaluate interventions/treatments for patients with complex needs. Proactively identify, diagnose and manage treatment plans for patients at risk of developing a long-term condition (as appropriate). Diagnose and manage both acute and chronic conditions, integrating both drug and non-drug-based treatment methods into a management plan. Undertake on-call duties for clinically urgent and emergency problems and consequently be included in the doctors on-call- rota. Prescribe and review medication for therapeutic effectiveness, appropriate to patient needs and in accordance with evidence-based practice, national and practice protocols, and within scope of practice.Work with patients in order to support compliance with and adherence to prescribed treatments.Provide information and advice on prescribed or over-the-counter medication on medication regimens, side-effects and interactions. Prioritisehealth problems and intervene appropriately to assist the patient in complex, urgent or emergency situations, including initiation of effective emergency care.Support patients to adopt health promotion strategies that promote healthy lifestyles, and apply principles of self-care.Support and manage health needs of women presenting for family planning, cervical cytology or sexual health consultation. Ensureappropriate and safe follow up of patient where treatment initiated and/or additional investigations requested. Recognise and work within own competence and professional code of conduct as regulated by the GMC. Produce accurate, contemporaneous and complete records of patient consultation, consistent with legislation, policies and procedures. Prioritise, organise and manage own workload in a manner that maintains and promotes quality, including clearing clinical tasks on a daily basis, filing pathology results in a timely manner and re-setting recalls appropriately Deliver care according to NSF, NICE guidelines, Practice Protocols and evidence-based care Assess effectiveness of care delivery through self and peer review, benchmarking and formal evaluation including appraisal/revalidation process Initiate and participate in the maintenance of quality governance systems and processes across the organisation and its activities Understand and apply legal issues that support the identification of vulnerable and abused children and adults, and be aware of statutory child/vulnerable patients health procedures and local guidance Undertake at least one full audit cycle per year on a topic that is of interest to the practice and present your findings to the team Follow the practice formulary for prescribing and not routinely be an outlier in prescribing behaviour Prescribe in line with KPPIs Attendance at 80% of the MDT when it is your routine day of working Work closely with the Patient Service Manager, other Associate Partners and Responsible Partners at the practice to form a cohesive practice management team to ensure that practice achieves highly on all its performance indicators. Contribute to discussion and constructively challenge and add to debate, bringing new ideas to the table and be an active member of the partnership team To routinely attend the PLTs and take an active role in those events Share best practice and innovation within your immediate team and help cascade such practice throughout the whole organisation Support the PSM in managing complaints effectively in an environment of openness and willingness to learn from patient feedback