For full details about this varied and rewarding role, please see attached job description, but some of the responsibilities include To communicate effectively and courteously with colleagues and service users, whether face-to-face, by telephone or by electronic means ensuring that the user is referred to other / more senior staff if required Take a lead role to promote safe, appropriate and cost-effective transfusion practice within the Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation NHS Trust. Actively deliver an advisory service, utilising specialist knowledge and expertise to answer patients, medical staff and primary health care providers enquiries regarding blood transfusion To lead and work autonomously in the development of nurses, nurses practice and service delivery in the transfusion process in order to provide a high-quality cost-effective service through the provision of a specialist training programme Provide clear strategic direction to the Hospital Transfusion Group/Committee to implement and ensure compliance with the recommendations of the Health Service Circulars Better Blood Transfusion (HSC 2005/224) Responsible for ensuring the Trust meets the requirements of National Patient Safety Agency, EU Directive for Blood Safety and Quality Regulations (HSC2002/009) Take a lead role to enable the Trust to meet the requirements of Clinical Governance, CHI, NHS Litigation Authority, and British Committee for Standards in Haematology Develop, review, and implement a communication strategy that raises awareness of blood and blood product usage between the blood transfusion department and clinical staff, highlighting any clinical governance issues To be responsible for implementing quality initiatives as part of the audit process to offer alternatives to blood transfusion and evaluates standards of care and service delivery within the multidisciplinary team Represent the Trust at blood transfusion meetings nationally, regionally, and locally as required ensuring that impacts for the trust are identified and appropriate action is taken Responsible for the investigation of serious untoward incidents in blood transfusion and liaise with SHOT and SABRE when required following adverse reactions or errors Member of the Emergency Blood Shortage Management team, participating and contributing to the formulation of the Trust Emergency Blood Shortage Management plan.